OpenAI ChatGPT Applications

Browse applications built on OpenAI ChatGPT technology. Explore PoC and MVP applications created by our community and discover innovative use cases for OpenAI ChatGPT technology.

smart water solutions

فشنTo address this problem, we will install sensors in the underground water tank, including a camera and lighting. These devices will capture images to determine the water level, alkalinity, drinkability, and clarity. We will also install smart sensors throughout the house or building to monitor water flow and movement continuously and smoothly .Using this innovative project, we will provide high-quality water in homes. We will educate and guide users on reducing water waste and maintaining the health of household members by providing safe drinking and everyday use water. We will also offer homes the appropriate tank water quality suitable for drinking, especially for cooking purposes. We will measure water quality in the pipes and install regularly replaceable filters to minimize deposits and ensure the effectiveness of our project Financial Feasibility Slide : Our project offers several avenues for financial feasibility. Firstly, there will be high demand for our services from homes and buildings experiencing water quality issues. We will offer our services at competitive prices, allowing us to achieve good profits . Secondly, we can provide maintenance and periodic operation services for our devices and water filters, which will serve as an additional source of revenue. We will offer comprehensive maintenance contracts to homes and institutions using our products, ensuring business sustainability and a continuous flow of income . Furthermore, we can explore business partnerships with companies involved in water quality improvement or bottled water distribution. We can provide them with reliable data on water quality and flow, which will have significant commercial value . In summary, our project for improving water quality in homes offers multiple opportunities for financial feasibility through diverse services, sustainable maintenance, and business partnerships .

The great team
ChatGPTAWS SageMaker

Lifeline - Business Assistant

In today's fast-paced and highly competitive business environment, small business owners often grapple with a multifaceted challenge. They must optimize and effectively manage their financial resources, track efficiencies of numerous and diverse projects, and maintain overall business health, while facing limited resources and high operational demands. With 'Lifeline,' say goodbye to uncertainties and welcome a future where your business thrives with confidence. As your virtual business assistant, giving you real-time data-driven analysis of how your business is doing, generating summary reports of your invoices, projects’ progress, and contracts, and it is customizable based on your business, All in one place. Recent statistics reveal that there are approximately 1.23 million small and medium-sized enterprises operating in Saudi Arabia. Thus, we have developed Lifeline, a tailored solution designed to support these businesses. Lifeline offers a range of tools and resources that help to navigate the complexities of financial management, project efficiency tracking, and overall business health maintenance. Lifeline was crafted by integrating OpenAI's advanced AI technology, LangChain's linguistic processing capabilities, and Streemlit user interface design, creating a seamless and efficient tool for businesses. Lifeline presents numerous advantages that align with Saudi Arabia's 2030 Vision, including streamlining administrative tasks, fostering data-driven strategies, saving time, and offering vital support to new business entrants. Looking ahead, our goal is to integrate Lifeline seamlessly with existing business tools and workflows. Our commitment is to the ongoing development of Lifeline, transforming it into an even more robust and adaptable chatbot solution, ensuring it remains a valuable asset in the evolving business landscape.

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AnimEye animal detection for road safety

Road safety is generally a great concern for local authorities, therefore they invest a lot in making the roads safer for the driver and pedestrian. However, another concern is preserving the animal live as well, and this is where our product comes in. AnimEye leverages AI technology to solve this problem by detecting animals on the road and sending alerts to local authorities so precautionary actions could be take. We planned our work around 2 iterations, the first one is a simple classifier that classifies whether the input image has animal crossing the road or not, which we have successfully achieved. The second phase would include working on a detector that detects the animals, their location, and counts them then gives an alert with the number of animals on the road and their location. this step is what we hope we will able to achieve in the near future with more time and resources. For the first phase we started with collecting and processing the data from multiple sources: 1- open sources online websites 2- downloading videos from online sources and transforming them into frames so they could be used for model training our train data included 978 images belonging to the 2 classes while our test set included 240 images between the same classes. As for the machine learning / deep learning part we have tried multiple models: 1- building our own model 2- VGG16 pretrained model 3- Resnet50 pretrained model However, the best accuracy we got was from the VGG16 model as follow: train accuracy : 0.91 test accuracy: 0.87 we believe our progress so far is a good proof of concept but understand that there are certainly issues that could be addressed as we work together more knowledge and experience in the future. However, we believe in the greater good that this product could provide for the human life, the economy, and the environment.

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Wonderlore: Where Stories Come Alive and Wisdom Takes Root Imagine a world where stories unfold like magic, personalized to each child's unique spark. This is the world of Wonderlore, an AI-powered storytelling experience that ignites the imagination and nurtures a love for learning. Wonderlore goes beyond traditional storytelling. It's an interactive journey where children become the architects of their own narratives. With each choice, they shape the story, influencing the plot and discovering new possibilities. The magic of AI technology adapts and evolves the narrative, creating an ever-unfolding adventure that keeps them captivated. But Wonderlore is more than just fun and adventure. Each story is woven with wisdom, gently teaching valuable lessons about life and the world. Children learn about empathy, kindness, resilience, and critical thinking, all within the captivating world of their personalized story. These lessons become part of their moral compass, guiding them as they grow and evolve. Learning is no longer a chore, but an exciting exploration. Wonderlore tailors its content to each child's individual needs and learning style, transforming complex concepts into engaging experiences. They discover new knowledge with joy and excitement, fueled by their own curiosity and the magic of the story. Wonderlore is more than just an app. It's a gateway to a world where imagination knows no bounds and wisdom blooms. It's a place where children can be themselves, explore their creativity, and learn valuable lessons that will shape their lives. It's where stories come alive and wisdom takes root, preparing them to become confident, compassionate, and wise individuals.

Stable DiffusionGPT-3DALL-E-2ChatGPT

Rafah AI

The idea behind Rafah AI is to solve many problems and challenges in the field of mental health and health wellness, including: 1. Lack of access: Providing easy and 24/7 access to emotional and psychological support, helping to overcome time and location constraints and making the service available to individuals anytime, anywhere. 2. Treatment costs: The project aims to provide mental health and health wellness support at reasonable prices, reducing the financial burden on individuals and making services accessible to everyone. 3. Shortage of specialists: Using smart technologies like artificial intelligence and data analysis, conversations are analyzed and customized care plans are provided to users, compensating for the shortage of specialists in the field of mental health and enabling personalized and effective care. 4. Overcoming stigma: By ensuring the privacy and security of customer data through advanced encryption, this contributes to building trust and security for users without fear of stigma or embarrassment. 5. Improving service quality and outcomes: Continuous data analysis is used to improve service quality and achieve positive results for users. Modern techniques and artificial intelligence are used to improve project efficiency and deliver the highest quality of services. Through these solutions and benefits, we contribute to facilitating and enhancing access to mental health care and health wellness in general, improving the user experience and enhancing the quality of life for individuals.


SightSky Celestial Marvels Explored

Welcome to SkySight, an innovative website designed to explore and appreciate celestial phenomena. Our platform offers a comprehensive experience for astronomy enthusiasts like you. At the heart of SkySight is an intelligent chatbot, a virtual guide with vast knowledge from extensive databases. This chatbot is not just a conversational companion; it's a cosmic oracle ready to answer your inquiries with precision and foresight. By merging real-time data and predictive algorithms, the chatbot unravels the mysteries of the sky. Step into the Past: Uncover celestial history by querying the chatbot about past events. Ask about the number of eclipses in 2002, and the chatbot swiftly retrieves and presents the exact count. It's like having a time-traveling astronomer at your fingertips. Anticipate the Future: Look ahead and go beyond the past. Pose questions about future phenomena, such as the number and types of eclipses expected in 2030. Witness as the chatbot unveils predictions grounded in astronomical science and predictive models. Gain insights into upcoming cosmic marvels before they grace the night sky. Educational Journey: SkySight is more than a data repository; it's a virtual classroom. Immerse yourself in educational content about various celestial events,we demystify each one with engaging multimedia content, making astronomy accessible to all. Immersive Multimedia: Experience the majesty of the cosmos through immersive multimedia features. Witness the breathtaking beauty of a total solar eclipse or the mesmerizing dance of the planets. SkySight brings the wonders of the universe to your screen. SkySight is not just a website; it's a gateway to the universe, offering education, exploration, and community engagement. As you navigate the cosmos with our chatbot, you'll discover that the sky is not merely above but within reach. Join us on this astronomical adventure at SkySight, where the mysteries of the universe come to life


Goal Genie

Introducing GoalGeni, the ultimate destination for football enthusiasts! Immerse yourself in the future of football with our cutting-edge streaming app that goes beyond the ordinary. Whether you're craving the thrill of a live match or hungry for the latest news, GoalGeni has you covered. One standout feature that sets GoalGeni apart is its revolutionary AI-powered analysis of player performance. Simply upload a match video, and let our advanced AI meticulously dissect every move on the field. From pinpointing shots and on-target accuracy to tracking ball possession, passes, and even calculating foul rates, GoalGeni transforms your viewing experience into a comprehensive analysis. Key Features: 🌐 Live Match Exploration: Dive into the heart of the action with seamless live streaming and real-time updates. 📰 Latest News: Stay ahead of the game with up-to-the-minute news, ensuring you never miss a beat in the world of football. 🤖 AI-Powered Player Performance Analysis: Unleash the power of artificial intelligence to analyze player movements, shots, passes, accuracy, fouls, and more, providing you with a nuanced understanding of the game. Applications: 1️⃣ Swift Match Analysis: Save time and gain insights in seconds! GoalGeni empowers analysts to dissect matches efficiently, helping them make informed decisions in the blink of an eye. 2️⃣ Talent Discovery: Unearth the hidden gems of young leagues effortlessly. GoalGeni's AI not only enhances match analysis but also identifies emerging talents, making it an invaluable tool for scouting. GoalGeni isn't just an app; it's a game-changer for football enthusiasts, analysts, and talent scouts alike. Elevate your football experience, and let GoalGeni redefine the way you engage with the beautiful game. Download now and witness the future of football analysis! ⚽🚀



Our website is a gateway to the fascinating world of the moons in our solar system. We're on a mission to make the wealth of information about these celestial companions accessible, enjoyable, and visually captivating. Here's what you can expect from us: Comprehensive Lunar Knowledge: Our website is a repository of data, images, and insights about over 200 moons in our solar system. No more need to scour various sources; everything is neatly organized in one place. User-Friendly Interface: We believe in making exploration easy. Our user-friendly design ensures you can navigate the vast universe of lunar information with ease. Visual Allure: We understand the importance of aesthetics. Beautiful designs and captivating visuals will enhance your lunar journey, ensuring that learning about these celestial wonders is as enjoyable as it is informative. Educational Content: Whether you're a novice or a seasoned space enthusiast, our website offers a variety of educational resources, from articles to interactive tools. We cater to diverse interests and knowledge levels. Regular Updates: The cosmos is in constant motion, and our website keeps pace. We're committed to providing the latest discoveries and findings about the solar system's moons. Our aim is to kindle your curiosity and ignite your sense of wonder about the moons that orbit planets, dwarf planets, and asteroids in our solar system. Whether you seek stunning images, scientific insights, or an engaging learning experience, we're here to facilitate your cosmic exploration. Join us on this celestial journey, and together, let's uncover the mysteries and beauty of the moons in our remarkable solar system.

Space Conquerors

Space Galaxy 93

The evolution of space helmets is revolutionizing astronaut safety. With advancements in technology, the latest space helmets offer enhanced impact protection, improved communication capabilities, and augmented reality displays for heightened situational awareness. These innovations enable astronauts to undertake increasingly ambitious missions while minimizing risks, ensuring their well-being in the harsh conditions of space exploration. The current helmet is being developed using emerging technologies such as: 1- 3D Printing : To reduce the high cost of the current helmet, where the price ranges between 150 - 180K  dollars, the innovation helmet is made of carbon fiber materials, which makes it lighter than normal helmets.  Moreover, the dimensions of this helmet can be customized depending on the specific dimensions. Although , they are similar in size to regular sapace helmets, it has a design that allows astronomers to look up at the sky without obstruction while providing protection from ambient light and other environmental factors. 2- Argument Reality (AR) technologies: The astronaut’s vital data appears on the right side of the helmet’s internal screen, and information about items appears in front of the astronaut on the left side of the helmet. 3- Artificial Intelligence (AI): The helmet is connected to internal sensers and external cameras to analyze the astronaut’s vital signs, the elements in front of him, and also the environment around him.  4- Machine Learning: The helmet is connected to the vital devices attached to the astronaut’s suit, so that changes in vital signs such as oxygen flow, muscle atrophy, balance and gravity are sensed and adjusted as needed.

Space Galaxy 93
ChatGPTGPT-4Dall-e MiniReinforcement Learning

Riveria - Virtual Assistant

Riveria is conceived as the ultimate astronomic virtual assistant, a trusted ally for astronauts and scientists embarking on the enigmatic journey into the cosmos. Its core objectives are simple yet profound: to empower, simplify, and extend the horizons of knowledge and discovery. Assisting Astronomers in Astronomical Research: Riveria equips astronomers, astronauts, and researchers with cutting-edge data analysis capabilities. In the face of the overwhelming influx of astronomical data, it becomes a beacon, illuminating patterns, recognizing celestial bodies, and even forecasting forthcoming cosmic events. It relegates the time-consuming task of data sorting to history, freeing scientists to focus on the questions that matter most. Performing Complex Astrophysical Calculations: Riveria's computational prowess is a force of nature. It possesses the capability to perform intricate astrophysical calculations, unraveling the intricacies of celestial phenomena. Its number-crunching abilities empower scientific discoveries and widen the boundaries of our understanding of the universe. Remote Satellite Control: Real-time satellite control is the lifeblood of space exploration. Riveria offers an intuitive interface for controlling orbiting satellites, granting immediate access to imaging and telemetry data. This control is instrumental in scientific observations, research, and the ceaseless advancement of space exploration. Seamless Astronaut Communication: The vastness of space can be isolating, but Riveria is the bridge that connects astronauts. It ensures that they remain connected, engaged, and capable of collaborating with precision, regardless of their positions in the cosmos. This capability vanquishes the loneliness of space, fostering teamwork and enhancing the astronaut experience..


Astronomers AI Assistant

Introduction: Introducing the Astronomers AI Assistant, your reliable companion for all things space-related! Join us on a cosmic journey as we explore how this remarkable tool operates, uncover the tech that powers it, and dive into an intriguing story to ignite your passion for the universe. How It Works: Connect with the Cosmos: Our AI buddy serves as your personal astronomy expert. Using sophisticated Natural Language Processing (NLP), it deciphers your space queries. If you throw a non-cosmic question its way, it kindly replies, "That's not my expertise." Time-Travel through Astronomy: Ever wondered about upcoming celestial events like meteor showers or eclipses? This feature combines NLP with time-travel-like capabilities. Just specify a date range, and it reveals all the cosmic happenings during that time. Identify Celestial Objects: Whether you're curious about the Orion Nebula, the Andromeda Galaxy, or a specific star you want to name after a loved one, our AI buddy delves into astronomy databases to unveil information about celestial objects by name. It provides details on where to find them in the night sky, their distance from Earth, and fascinating trivia. Tech Insights: Natural Language Wizardry (NLP): Our AI's secret sauce for engaging in conversations and delivering precise space information. Time-Travel Expertise: Ideal for tracking down celestial events based on your chosen date range. Cosmic Encyclopedia: A treasure trove of data that keeps you updated with the latest and greatest space knowledge. Let's Embark on a Cosmic Adventure:



This is a first-person horror game that uses AI to give the player the ability to communicate with other NPCs which will lead to different endings and give the player a unique experience the game challenge the player to explore a complex ethical dilemma. In this dystopian future, the player will play as Dr. Ethan Cole, a brilliant but mad scientist who has been conducting secret experiments, transforming humans into humanoid robots. Dr. Cole firmly believes that robots are the next stage of human evolution, and he sees humans as inferior. He keeps these . experiments hidden from the public, working in seclusion within a high-tech, enigmatic facility One fateful night, Dr. Cole is unexpectedly kidnapped by a person who opposes his unethical experiments. He awakens in the facility, stripped of his memories, only to realize he's being monitored by cameras, with that unknown anonymous person watching his every move. Now, players must guide Dr. Cole as he attempts to escape from this high-security facility Theme Ethics of Scientific Progress: The game explores the moral and ethical consequences of Dr. Ethan Cole's experiments, questioning the limits of scientific advancement and experimentation on humans. Artificial Intelligence and Humanity: The game delves into the complex relationship between artificial intelligence, robotics, and the essence of what it means to be human, . prompting players to ponder the nature of consciousness and free will Freedom of Choice: The player's decisions in the game influence the outcome, reflecting . the theme of free will and the consequences of the choices we make Secrecy and Manipulation: The presence of secret experiments and hidden agendas . highlights the theme of deception, manipulation, and the dangers of not knowing the truth.

Everlasting arts


Surgi-Verse: Revolutionizing Surgical Training through AI & Virtual Reality In the ever-evolving landscape of medical education and surgical training, Surgi-Verse emerges as a groundbreaking project, offering a transformative experience with virtual AI assistant through the amalgamation of virtual reality technology and surgical robotics. This cutting-edge simulation platform redefines the way medical students and experienced surgeons prepare for complex procedures by immersing them in a safe and hyper-realistic virtual surgical environment. Surgi-Verse's primary aim is to enhance surgical training and proficiency, ensuring that future healthcare professionals are better equipped to meet the demands of the healthcare industry. Surgical training is a critical component of medical education, enabling aspiring surgeons to develop the dexterity, precision, and decision-making skills necessary to perform complex operations. Traditionally, this training has been based on a 'see one, do one, teach one' model, where medical students observe surgeries, practice on cadavers, and eventually assist in real surgical procedures. However, this approach has inherent limitations in terms of safety, availability, and the realism of the training environment. Surgi-Verse addresses these limitations by introducing the dimension of virtual reality, offering a safe and immersive platform for students and surgeons to hone their skills. This innovation provides a controlled and repeatable environment where users can practice a wide range of surgical procedures with minimal risk to actual patients.

BioMed Squad

ProjectAI Teammate

"ProjectAI Teammate is not just a project management tool; it's your intelligent partner in achieving project excellence. Powered by cutting-edge artificial intelligence, it revolutionizes teamwork by offering a comprehensive suite of features designed to collaboration, optimize resource allocation, and provide data-driven insights. At its core, ProjectAI Teammate is your project's best friend. It utilizes advanced AI algorithms to intelligently allocate tasks, matching team members' skills and availability with project requirements. Say goodbye to manual task assignments and resource conflicts. With it, your team's workload is optimized for efficiency. Planning and scheduling have never been easier. Our AI-driven predictive scheduling feature anticipates potential , helping you proactively manage resources and deadlines. It takes into account historical project data, team performance, and external factors to provide accurate timelines, ensuring you stay on track. ProjectAI Teammate offers real-time collaboration features that empower your team to work seamlessly together. From instant messaging and file sharing to collaborative document editing, communication is effortless. Plus, the integrated video conferencing and screen-sharing capabilities make virtual meetings as productive as face-to-face ones. Data is the backbone of informed decision-making, and ProjectAI Teammate is your data guru. It collects and analyzes project data, providing you with actionable insights and performance metrics. Identify trends, spot opportunities for improvement, and make informed decisions to drive project success. In summary, ProjectAI Teammate is the ultimate teamwork project management tool powered by the latest in AI technology. It's more than just software; it's a dedicated team member that enhances productivity, optimizes resource allocation, and provides the insights you need to make informed decisions. With ProjectAI Teammate, your projects are destined for success."

ProjectAI Teammate
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GPT-3GPT-4ChatGPTAI21 Labs

Hand speak with AI

Artificial intelligence assists employees who are unable to speak or hear in effectively participating in work discussions by using a front-facing camera to translate their movements in online meetings into text or voice for others, integrating them into the community. It also aids individuals in the community through the use of a mobile phone, to translate movements into speech or writing on facilitating communication. It can be used in other ways, and here are some examples: 1. Education: The technology can be used to assist students with hearing or speech difficulties in communicating and participating in classrooms by translating their movements into text or voice. 2. Hospitals and healthcare facilities: The technology can be used to enhance communication with patients or individuals with hearing impairments in a hospital or healthcare setting by translating movements into speech or writing to understand their needs and provide appropriate healthcare. 3. Entertainment and culture: The technology can be used to facilitate the experience of individuals with hearing difficulties in accessing entertainment and cultural services, such as translating theater performances or music concerts into sign language or texts to enable their full participation. 4. Travel and tourism: The technology can be used to facilitate communication for individuals with hearing difficulties with professionals in the travel and tourism industry, such as translating sign language into speech or writing for an easy and comfortable experience when booking hotels or communicating with tour guides. With the advancement of technology, it can be applied in more fields to enhance communication and empower individuals with hearing difficulties in various aspects of daily life

Hand Talk With AI

SpotifAi Podcast Generator

SpotfAi is a podcast generator . It uses artificial intelligence to generate podcasts on a variety of topics, and you can download the generated podcasts to listen to offline. To use SpotfAi, you first need to create an account and provide some information about the type of podcast you want to generate. You can choose from a variety of topics, including news, entertainment, education, and business. You can also specify the length of the podcast and the number of speakers. Once you have created your podcast, SpotfAi will use its AI to generate the content. The generated podcast will be a realistic and engaging conversation between two or more speakers. You can then download the podcast to listen to offline. SpotfAi is a powerful tool that can help you create and distribute podcasts quickly and easily. It is a great option for anyone who wants to create a podcast but does not have the time or expertise to do it themselves. Here are some of the benefits of using SpotfAi: It is easy to use. You can create a podcast in minutes without any prior experience. It is affordable. SpotfAi is a free platform to use. It is powerful. SpotfAi uses AI to generate realistic and engaging podcasts. It is versatile. You can use SpotfAi to generate podcasts on a variety of topics. If you are interested in creating or listening to podcasts, I encourage you to check out SpotfAi. It is a great platform that can help you make the most of the podcasting medium.

Cyber Ninjas
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In today's increasingly digitized world, seamless interaction with personal computing devices is crucial for efficiency and productivity. However, a significant segment of the population faces substantial barriers in accessing and utilizing these essential tools due to physical disabilities or special needs. These barriers range from the inability to operate a keyboard due to conditions such as paralysis, broken limbs, or other motor impairments, to cognitive challenges that complicate the use of standard interfaces. This disparity not only hampers individual progress but also represents a broader societal failure to include all individuals in the digital revolution. Our startup, twinzadm, aims to bridge this accessibility gap by offering an innovative voice assistant tailored for PC users with special needs and physical disabilities. Leveraging advanced voice recognition and natural language processing technologies, twinzadm provides a hands-free, intuitive solution for tasks such as opening and closing installed programs, as well as conducting searches on platforms like Google, YouTube, and ChatGPT. Upon its first initialization, twinzadm scans the user's device to create a customized profile of available applications, thus allowing for a more personalized user experience. By transforming auditory input into actionable text commands, and vice versa, twinzadm offers a two-fold communication model. This dual nature ensures not only that the commands are executed effectively but also that the user receives understandable and audible feedback, closing the loop of interaction. In summary, twinzadm tackles the pressing issue of digital accessibility, enabling a marginalized segment of the population to participate more fully in today's technology-driven society. Our solution addresses the complex challenges of adapting human-computer interaction to the diverse needs of users, thereby elevating the standard of inclusive technology.



The implementation of a Telehealth application in a hospital setting, designed to assist in writing medical reports and addressing various healthcare challenges, offers a promising solution to improve overall efficiency and patient care.One of the key issues in many hospitals is the shortage of time that doctors have for conducting thorough patient diagnoses. The chatbot application can alleviate this problem by swiftly converting patient records into comprehensive medical reports. This not only saves time but also ensures that medical documentation is accurate and standardized, reducing the risk of errors in patient care.Patient waiting times are another critical concern in healthcare. By automating the report generation process, the chatbot can expedite patient care and reduce the time patients spend waiting to receive a diagnosis or treatment. This can lead to a more positive patient experience and improved patient outcomes.Falsified medical cases can have severe consequences, including legal and ethical implications. The chatbot's ability to generate accurate health reports helps maintain the integrity of medical records, making it more challenging for falsification to occur. This can enhance trust between patients, healthcare providers, and regulatory authorities.Ultimately, the integration of a chatbot application in healthcare facilities, whether private or government-owned, has the potential to increase the number of patients treated while maintaining or even improving the quality of care. By addressing issues related to time constraints, waiting times, and medical record accuracy, the healthcare system can become more efficient, accessible, and patient-centered, contributing to better overall public health.



Our AI prompts play a pivotal role in shaping the creation of music through artificial intelligence. Here's how our prompts aid in this process: • Inspiration and Ideas: Our prompts can spark inspiration by suggesting themes, moods, or musical elements, helping musicians and composers overcome creative blocks and explore new directions for their music. • Musical Compositions: We provide prompts that guide the composition process, suggesting chord progressions, melodies, or even entire musical sections. This accelerates the initial stages of music creation. • Arrangement and Structure: Musicians can use prompts to refine the arrangement and structure of their compositions, ensuring a balanced and engaging musical journey for the listener. • Lyrics and Songwriting: For lyricists and songwriters, our prompts can offer themes, concepts, or even specific word choices to assist in crafting compelling lyrics. • Sound Design and Production: In the realm of sound engineering, our prompts can help refine audio mixes, suggest instrument placements, or recommend effects and mastering techniques. • Experimentation and Innovation: Musicians can use our prompts to experiment with unconventional ideas, pushing the boundaries of their creative output and exploring new musical genres and styles. • Collaboration and Feedback: Our prompts can facilitate collaboration by providing a common starting point for multiple musicians or producers. They can also be used to solicit feedback from AI-generated compositions, helping artists refine and iterate on their work. • Personalization: Our prompts can be tailored to an artist's unique preferences, ensuring that the AI-generated suggestions align with their individual style and vision. • Efficiency: By leveraging AI-generated prompts, musicians can save time and effort during the creative process, allowing them to focus on the finer details of their music.

ChatGPTCodexOpenAI gymGPT-4


The “فصيح” app contains the following features: 1. Speech Evaluation: pronunciation, pace, fluency, word choice, and overall clarity. It can detect errors or areas that need improvement and provide specific feedback to the user. 2. Personalized Recommendations: The AI takes into account the user's proficiency level, native language, and specific goals. It provides personalized recommendations and exercises tailored to the user's needs. 3. Progress Tracking: The application keeps track of the user's progress over time. It can generate reports and visualizations that show improvements in different speech aspects. 4. Social Interaction Features: The application include a social platform where users can connect with other learners, join speech practice groups, or participate in virtual speaking events. This fosters a supportive community and provides opportunities for peer-to-peer feedback and practice. 5. Intonation and Stress Training: The AI can analyze the user's prosody (rhythm, stress, and intonation) and provide guidance on how to emphasize key words, maintain a natural flow, and convey meaning effectively. 6. Interactive Dialogue Practice: The application can include interactive dialogue simulations where users can engage in conversations with virtual characters or AI-powered chatbots. This feature allows users to practice their speaking skills in realistic conversation scenarios and receive feedback on their performance. It can also provide exercises for specific speech scenarios, such as presentations, interviews, or public speaking engagements. 7. Rewards: The application can incorporate points rewarding elements. Users can earn points, badges, or unlock levels as they progress. 8.Mental health: The app provide resources, tips, and exercises to help users build confidence, manage anxiety or stage fright, and develop a positive mindset for public speaking or any form of communication. 9.Support multiple languages.

AI avengers

Team UP

In the world of football, one of the most important factors for a team's success is the selection of the starting lineup. The starting eleven players must be chosen judiciously, considering various factors such as individual player performance, form, fitness, and tactical strategy. Traditionally, coaches and managers have relied on their expertise, observations, and gut instincts to make these crucial decisions. However, this manual selection process encounters several challenges and limitations: 1. Complex Decision-Making: Football is a complex game, and picking the best players to start can be tricky because it means thinking about many things. This includes player stats, how they've done in the past, the tactics they'll use, and what the other team is good at and not so good at. Even experienced coaches can find this complexity challenging. 2. Data Overload: Football generates an immense amount of data, from player statistics to team dynamics, injury reports, and opponent analysis. Analyzing and integrating this wide array of data manually is time-consuming and open to human error. 3. Incomplete Information: Coaches frequently have restricted knowledge about players' present conditions, like how tired they are or if they have minor injuries. Overlooking or wrongly evaluating these factors can result in less-than-ideal lineup decision To overcome these challenges and make more informed, objective, and optimized decisions regarding football lineups, the solution lies in leveraging the power of artificial intelligence (AI). By developing a machine learning model that can analyze player statistics comprehensively and in real-time, we can predict and recommend the best possible starting eleven for a given match. This AI-driven approach has the potential to revolutionize football strategy by: - Maximizing Performance. - Adaptability. - Objectivity. -Efficiency.

AI Squad
application badge


The implementation of a chatbot application in a hospital setting, designed to assist in writing medical reports and addressing various healthcare challenges, offers a promising solution to improve overall efficiency and patient care.One of the key issues in many hospitals is the shortage of time that doctors have for conducting thorough patient diagnoses. The chatbot application can alleviate this problem by swiftly converting patient records into comprehensive medical reports. This not only saves time but also ensures that medical documentation is accurate and standardized, reducing the risk of errors in patient care.Patient waiting times are another critical concern in healthcare. By automating the report generation process, the chatbot can expedite patient care and reduce the time patients spend waiting to receive a diagnosis or treatment. This can lead to a more positive patient experience and improved patient outcomes.Falsified medical cases can have severe consequences, including legal and ethical implications. The chatbot's ability to generate accurate health reports helps maintain the integrity of medical records, making it more challenging for falsification to occur. This can enhance trust between patients, healthcare providers, and regulatory authorities.Ultimately, the integration of a chatbot application in healthcare facilities, whether private or government-owned, has the potential to increase the number of patients treated while maintaining or even improving the quality of care. By addressing issues related to time constraints, waiting times, and medical record accuracy, the healthcare system can become more efficient, accessible, and patient-centered, contributing to better overall public health.


PicSpeak AI Product Description Generation App

PicSpeak AI Product Description Generation App is a revolutionary solution designed to empower e-commerce businesses, retail stores, and online marketplaces by harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to effortlessly generate product descriptions directly from images. The concept behind PicSpeak AI is to simplify and speed up creating detailed product descriptions, a task that has traditionally been labor-intensive and time-consuming. One of the standout features of PicSpeak AI is its ability to convert images into rich, text-based descriptions. Businesses can simply upload product images and specify the tone of the description, and within seconds, the app generates well-structured and enticing descriptions that highlight key features, benefits, and unique selling points with the specified tone. The application leverages state-of-the-art machine learning and natural language processing algorithms to analyze each image comprehensively. The key components of the solution: - CNNs for image analysis and feature extraction - RNNs for sequential text generation and coherence - ChatGPT for generating descriptive text with specific tone. As a future step, PicSpeak AI doesn't just stop at generating textual descriptions. It goes a step further by providing an integrated platform for managing product listings. Users can review and edit the automatically generated descriptions to fine-tune them according to their brand's voice and messaging strategy. This collaborative approach ensures that businesses maintain control over their product content while benefiting from the efficiency of AI-driven automation. In conclusion, the PicSpeak AI Product Description Generation App represents a game-changing innovation that addresses the evolving needs of the e-commerce, retail, and online marketplace sectors. It redefines the way products are presented and marketed in the digital age, simplifying the process, enhancing content quality, and boosting efficiency.

Taibah AI

My Way

In a world defined by rapid change and ceaseless demands, countless individuals grapple with a universal challenge: crafting clear goals and actionable plans to actualize their dreams. This often leads to a sense of aimlessness and waning motivation in their personal growth pursuits. Enter "My Way" – an AI-Powered Goal Roadmapper poised to revolutionize personal development. This innovative platform is built on the premise that advanced AI can empower individuals to transcend limitations and personalize their journey toward success. At its core, "My Way" addresses two pivotal aspects: goal-setting and navigation of obstacles. By harnessing AI's analytical capabilities, the platform delves into users' unique attributes, strengths, and weaknesses to craft bespoke goal roadmaps. These adaptive guides not only offer direction but evolve as users make progress and face challenges. However, "My Way" goes beyond automated strategies. It empowers users to actively engage in their growth journey, providing not just answers, but tools to overcome modern distractions, stay motivated, and regain a sense of ownership over their success. Central to this concept is the belief in individuals' boundless potential. "My Way" aims to catalyze greatness, serving as a guide, a strategist, and an advocate. It lights the way forward, equips users to surmount obstacles strategically, and echoes the sentiment of claiming one's path – in the spirit of Frank Sinatra's "My Way." In summary, "My Way" heralds a new era in personal development. By harnessing AI's capabilities, we strive to empower individuals to discover their unique paths, overcome challenges with finesse, and boldly declare that their journey was truly "My Way."

Ai crafters
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VercelGPT-3ChatGPTGPT-4OpenAI gym

Doctor Helping Services -DHS

Introducing our AI DHS (Doctor Helping Services), a sophisticated chatbot designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of medical practitioners in accessing patient data. This cutting-edge technology enables users, specifically doctors and physicians, to seamlessly upload patient information into the AI system, which subsequently analyzes and organizes the data. When a user poses a query to the chatbot, it retrieves relevant information from the uploaded patient records and provides a prompt response. Consider the demanding schedule of a typical doctor, who sees approximately seven patients per day, resulting in 49 patients in a week and around 210 patients in a month. Each patient's file contains a wealth of essential information, such as age and medical condition. The sheer volume of data can make it exceedingly challenging for the doctor to recall specific details without extensive manual searching through records or reports. This is where our AI solution steps in. Our AI, built upon the foundation of GPT-3, offers an invaluable solution. Medical professionals can simply input a patient's name and pose queries to the chatbot, such as "What is the severity of John Smith's illness?" or "When was John Smith's last check-up, and what were the corresponding laboratory results?" This streamlined approach to accessing patient information not only saves time but also enhances the overall quality of patient care. While our AI is built on a version of GPT with token limitations, it remains dedicated to its intended purpose: assisting healthcare providers in efficiently managing patient data and facilitating informed medical decisions.

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NLP: The endeavor of creating programs with some level of 'understanding' of a natural language in order to accomplish a certain purpose falls under the purview of the sub-field of artificial intelligence. By using the former concept, we can create using a high programming language to design a full software with AI recognition of world wide language. The software can be designed to recognize any word in a picture or photo taken by the camera, then show the result as the name of the language and translation of the desired language. Why Machine Translation? Cheap, universal access to the world's online information regardless of the original language. Translating AI systems, such as machine translation, offer numerous benefits for language-related tasks. Here are several advantages of using translation AI: Enhanced Communication: Translation AI enables people who speak different languages to communicate effectively. It breaks down language barriers, facilitating cross-cultural interactions in various domains, including business, education, tourism, and diplomacy. Time and Cost Efficiency: Traditional human translation can be time-consuming and expensive, especially for large volumes of text. AI translation systems can significantly reduce both time and cost, allowing for faster and more affordable translation services. Consistency and Accuracy: AI translation models strive to maintain consistency and accuracy in their translations. They can analyze vast amounts of language data, ensuring that translations align with established linguistic rules and conventions. This helps maintain the integrity of the original content and reduces the risk of miscommunication.

The Algorithm Army


DoctorGPT هو تطبيقنا الأول. تطبيق مماثل لـ ChatGPT باللغة العربية ومخصص لتقييم وتشخيص حالة المريض. يقوم الذكاء الاصطناعي بوضع الأسئلة المناسبة لحالة الشخص الذي يكلمه حتى يفهم حالة الشخص ويقوم بإعطائه النصائح أو تصوير الحالة ويقوم المريض بإرسالها لتفسير المرض عن طريق الذكاء الاصطناعي. رسالتنا مواكبة رؤية 2030 وتحول القطاع الصحي لضمان استمرار تطوير خدمات الرعاية الصحية في المملكة وتركيز الجهود في هذا القطاع الهام. مشكلتنا مع تطور القطاع الصحي أصبحت التقنية هي أساس كل منظمة صحية ولكن مع تأخر المستشفيات في التحول الصحي اصبحوا الناس يجهلون في كيفية استعمال التطبيقات الصحية وكيفية استغلالها لعلاجهم بأفضل طريقة ممكنة عن طريق المنزل. قصتنا محمد مصاب بالقولون اصبح محمد يومياً يبحث عن الاعراض التي تصيبه في اليوم الواحد عن طريق قوقل لكن محمد هنا لايوجد لديه أي وعي في كيفية استخدام الانترنت فيقوم بتصديق أي كلام يبحث عنه لدرجة أنه يوهم بنفسه بأنه مصاب بالسرطان. فكرتنا تطبيق مماثل للـ ChatGPT باللغة العربية ومخصص لتقييم وتشخيص حالة المريض وهُنا الـ AI يقوم بوضع الاسئلة المناسبة لحالة الشخص الذي يكلمه إلى أن يفهم حالة الشخص ويقوم بإعطائه النصائح أو تصوير الحالة ويقوم المريض بإرسالها لتفسير المرض عن طريق الـ AI. اهدافنا - تحويل النص الى صور توضيحية والعكس. - يكتشف ما اذا كانت الأعراض غريبة ويقوم بإعطاء الشخص أي انذار للذهاب الى المستشفى. - يقوم بقراءة أي تحاليل من المختبر بلغة مفهومة لإفادة المريض. - يقوم بمناقشة المرضى عن أي دواء أو تشخيص لإفادتهم. - تذكير المرضى بأخذ الدواء بنظام الـ Alert. طموحنا يكون تطبيقنا مربوط مع تطبيق صحتي لخدمة جميع المرضى بجميع الفئات العمرية.


Leaf Link

The concept "Leaf Link" is a smartphone application aimed for average individuals who want to manage their plant growth as well as farmers with small farms. This concept was chosen because of the belief in the importance of plant growth, a modest action with a large impact on the environment. The purpose is to minimize large costs associated with moving commodities from farms to villages and vice versa, as well as the extensive use of chemicals to preserve goods in excellent condition to trick consumers into purchasing items! People no longer need to buy processed, semi-healthy fruits and vegetables, nor do farmers need to pay additional fees to employ specialists to detect farm issues and what needs to be done to prevent them from occurring. The application will solve the majority of concerns; the user will be able to add as many plants as they require and have them shown in the main interface along with their photographs to make the selection process easier. The user will also have a planner page to plan what tasks for each of the plants with the desired day and time and an automatic reminder for that, adding the tasks is done by selection, user does not need to add it by hand, just must select plant and tasks, date, and time. Furthermore, there is a statistics page for each individual plant that gives plant information and plant care, which includes watering information period, natural light which takes external information about area's weather and overall environment, as well as toxicity rate if any. Finally, there is a page for recognizing unknown plants. This is done by capturing an image of the plant, which requires access to a camera, and the program will display the plant name and scientific name to the user, as well as information about the plant if the user is interested.

Leaf Link

My Way

In a world defined by rapid change and ceaseless demands, countless individuals grapple with a universal challenge: crafting clear goals and actionable plans to actualize their dreams. This often leads to a sense of aimlessness and waning motivation in their personal growth pursuits. Enter "My Way" – an AI-Powered Goal Roadmapper poised to revolutionize personal development. This innovative platform is built on the premise that advanced AI can empower individuals to transcend limitations and personalize their journey toward success. At its core, "My Way" addresses two pivotal aspects: goal-setting and navigation of obstacles. By harnessing AI's analytical capabilities, the platform delves into users' unique attributes, strengths, and weaknesses to craft bespoke goal roadmaps. These adaptive guides not only offer direction but evolve as users make progress and face challenges. However, "My Way" goes beyond automated strategies. It empowers users to actively engage in their growth journey, providing not just answers, but tools to overcome modern distractions, stay motivated, and regain a sense of ownership over their success. Central to this concept is the belief in individuals' boundless potential. "My Way" aims to catalyze greatness, serving as a guide, a strategist, and an advocate. It lights the way forward, equips users to surmount obstacles strategically, and echoes the sentiment of claiming one's path – in the spirit of Frank Sinatra's "My Way." In summary, "My Way" heralds a new era in personal development. By harnessing AI's capabilities, we strive to empower individuals to discover their unique paths, overcome challenges with finesse, and boldly declare that their journey was truly "My Way."

Moroccan Ai crafter
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Asalah application for archeology and tourism

Asalah Archeology and Tourism Application Introduction: Asalah is an innovative mobile application that aims to facilitate and improve the fields of archeology and tourism in Saudi Arabia. The application's main goal and functions are to help preserve artifacts and old pieces while making the citizen the tour guide of their foreign land. In addition to this, the application allows users to ask about places to visit using LLM technology. This project description provides an overview of the Asalah Archeology and Tourism Application, outlining its goals, objectives, scope, timeline, budget, and resources required to complete the project. Goals and Objectives: The primary goal of the Asalah Archeology and Tourism Application is to promote cultural awareness and appreciation for Saudi Arabia's history and heritage. The application aims to achieve this by providing users with a user-friendly and interactive platform that helps to preserve artifacts and old pieces while also making the citizen the tour guide of their foreign land. The application also provides the feature of using LLM technology to ask about places to visit, making it easier for users to plan their trips and get personalized recommendations. The application's objectives are as follows: ▪ Provide a comprehensive database of information on the historical significance and importance of each artifact. ▪ Enable users to contribute to the preservation of artifacts and old pieces through community-driven initiatives such as fundraising and volunteering. ▪ Provide users with access to a range of tools and resources that will enable them to create and share their own tours and guides of various archeological sites and historical landmarks across the country. ▪ Develop an interactive map equipped with location-based services that allows users to easily find and navigate to their desired destinations. ▪ Allow users to ask the application about places to visit using LLM technology


Tabeer By Waves

Human feelings are an inherent part of their nature and influence their thinking, behavior, and performance. Emotions at work have a big impact on how the task turns out. As a result, managers can forecast work results by observing their workforce's attitudes and feelings. As shown in studies, decision makers tend to base their decisions more on emotion than on logic, therefore controlling emotions and mood at work is crucial for wise choices. Additionally, they can design and modify the work environment to make it welcome. This will attract top talent, foster loyalty, boost engagement, and foster innovation. On the other hand, they can foresee and avert future issues, like burnout, disputes, and production drops. For that, we developed a system called Tabeer that detects facial expressions from photos and videos. It classifies them based on seven basic emotions. These are Angry, Disgust, Fear, Happy, Neutral, Sad, and Surprised. Tabeer will pick up facial expressions twice during the work, once at the start and at the finish. The system will analyze and classify facial expressions according to emotional categories, store the data, and provide real time statistics on each employee's performance and emotional state. So, managers can take decisions based on the system's results to improve and enhance the workplace. Our future plans are to improve the system and provide more features like a summary of employees' emotional states and to provide tips based on their emotional states, as well as alarms when the system detects any strange changes in the emotional states of the employees. Target • The HR managers in small businesses. Market size: • Number of small businesses in KSA x purchases expected in each period = market size. 1,400,000 x 10 (In one year) = 14,000,000 Revenue Stream • Investors • Subscriptions:


Hakeim Mind

Hakeim Mind is an innovative and advanced AI-powered mindmap generation tool designed specifically to assist medical students in organizing and effectively retaining complex information. By automating the creation of visual maps, this cutting-edge tool revolutionizes the way medical students approach their studies. With Hakeim Mind, medical students can say goodbye to the time-consuming and tedious task of manually creating mindmaps. Instead, they can rely on this intelligent tool to generate visually appealing and comprehensive mindmaps effortlessly. By doing so, Hakeim Mind empowers students to focus their time and energy on understanding and internalizing the intricate details of medical concepts rather than getting lost in the process of organizing their notes. One of the key advantages of Hakeim Mind is its ability to handle the vast and intricate web of medical knowledge. Medical students often encounter complex subjects and interrelated topics that can be challenging to navigate. Hakeim Mind simplifies this process by automatically connecting related information, ensuring that all crucial aspects of a topic are properly represented in the mindmap. This comprehensive and interconnected visualization not only aids in better understanding but also enhances knowledge retention. Furthermore, Hakeim Mind offers a wide range of customization options, allowing medical students to personalize their mindmaps according to their unique learning preferences. Users can easily modify the appearance, structure, and color schemes of their mindmaps, making them visually appealing and tailored to their individual needs. This flexibility ensures that students can create mindmaps that resonate with their learning style, ultimately enhancing their engagement and comprehension.



The engine would provide a fully detailed study plan, simple explanations of complex concepts, questions to test understanding, and a summary and revision plan. Project Scope: The project will involve the following tasks: Data Collection: We will collect a large dataset of academic papers and textbooks. This dataset will be used to train the AI engine. AI Engine Training: We will train the AI engine on the collected dataset. The engine will learn to understand the different concepts and subtopics within a given academic topic. User Interface Development: We will develop a user interface for the AI engine. This interface will allow students to interact with the engine and generate study plans, explanations, questions, and summaries. Testing and Improvement: We will test the AI engine and make improvements as needed. We will also gather feedback from students to ensure that the engine is meeting their needs. Project Benefits: The benefits of this project include: - Increased student success: The AI engine can help students to study more effectively and efficiently. This can lead to increased student success in their academic coursework. Improved student understanding: The AI engine can help students to understand complex concepts more deeply. This can lead to improved student learning outcomes. Reduced student stress: The AI engine can help students to feel more confident and prepared for their studies. This can lead to reduced student stress levels. Project Team: The project team will consist of the following members:

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SociAIlytics is an innovative project at the forefront of social network analysis. Our company is driven by the belief that understanding and harnessing the power of social connections can revolutionize the way businesses operate and grow in the digital age.we leverage LangChain and cutting-edge technologies to extract valuable insights from social network data. By analyzing the intricate web of relationships within social networks, we help businesses gain a deeper understanding of their target audience, uncover influential individuals, identify emerging trends, and optimize their marketing strategies. Our comprehensive suite of analytics tools provides actionable insights that empower businesses to make data-driven decisions. From measuring social influence and sentiment analysis to identifying key opinion leaders and optimizing network structures, we equip our clients with the knowledge they need to enhance customer engagement, drive brand awareness, and improve overall business performance. As we move forward, our focus is on continuous improvement and innovation. We plan to enhance the social management capabilities by integrating it with other systems and databases, allowing it to access real-time information and provide even more comprehensive support. We also prioritize ongoing training and fine-tuning of the AI models to ensure optimal performance and accuracy. With SociAIlytics, businesses can tap into the power of social connections, gain a competitive edge, and thrive in an increasingly interconnected world.

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Pharma X

Pharma X is an innovative healthcare solution that utilizes advanced AI algorithms to transform the prescription process. By analyzing patient data, including medical history and medication records, it generates tailored and safe prescriptions, optimizing treatment plans and enhancing patient care. Traditional prescription writing can be cumbersome and prone to errors. Pharma X streamlines this process by integrating comprehensive patient data and leveraging AI algorithms to generate accurate and personalized prescriptions. With its ability to quickly analyze vast amounts of medical information, Pharma X provides healthcare providers with efficient and reliable prescription generation. One of the key benefits of Pharma X is its ability to mitigate potential drug interactions. By cross-referencing current medications with prescribed medicines, it ensures patient safety and reduces the risk of adverse effects. This advanced feature sets Pharma X apart, providing healthcare providers with the confidence that the prescribed medications are safe and suitable for the patient's unique medical profile. Pharma X also enables personalized care by considering individual factors such as age, gender, medical history, and allergies. This tailored approach optimizes treatment effectiveness and patient satisfaction. By providing precise dosage instructions and general advice, Pharma X empowers patients to take an active role in their healthcare journey. In addition to enhancing patient care, Pharma X offers time and cost savings. Its streamlined workflow and efficient prescription generation save valuable time for healthcare providers, allowing them to focus more on patient care. By preventing medication errors and improving patient outcomes, Pharma X also contributes to reducing healthcare costs in the long run.

MediSoft Health

Travel Giraffe

A travel website that begins with newsletter for the MVP. Then will expand as a chatbot and other features. Money is gained through affiliate links with from SkyScanner. Suggestions made through OpenAI embeddings. We take user input through a form and then send them a scheduled newsletter with flights that may be a good fit for them that get autosuggested from OpenAI Embeddings. We fetch the flights from SkyScanner and autosuggest using OpenAI. Why this is good is because OpenAI doesn't have access currently to live information, and this service provides that by connecting it to SkyScanner's API. It uses: - Next JS - React - TypeScript - OpenAI Embeddings - SkyScanner API Features: - International since day 1 - Personalized. The algorithm adapts to your preference using OpenAI's Embed API - Free. The newsletter part is free for now. If anything is going to change, there might be a more premium that suggests a trip from A-Z (what flight to take, where to stay. ), Possible future releases: - Chatbot that autosuggests flights - Why this matters is because currently ChatGPT doesn't have access to live data, and this would be an edge - In-site flight sales (no more affiliate links for trips) - Experiences and stays (affiliate links) - A trip from A-Z (what flight to take, where to stay, etc.) - [moon shot] bookable through one form) that would show the total All these features will not be promoted in the website before they're ready to launch. We only announce features, not promise them.

Travel Giraffe
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Machine prompt

Our project addresses the problem of people struggling to write prompts for communicating with artificial intelligence. Many people face difficulties in writing effective prompts, including lack of clarity in goals, inflexibility in language, and failure to identify key variables. This can result in poor communication with AI systems and inaccurate results. To solve this problem, we are developing a platform that generates professional and customized prompts for users, even for those who are unfamiliar with the concept. Our platform uses advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze user input and generate prompts that are tailored to their specific needs. This makes it easy for users to create effective prompts and communicate with AI systems in a more efficient manner. Our platform will be user-friendly, with a simple interface that makes it easy for users to create prompts regardless of their level of expertise. Users can input their goals and the variables they want to consider, and our platform will generate a prompt that is concise, clear, and effective. We believe that our platform will have a wide range of applications, including in the fields of research, data analysis, and customer service. By making it easier for users to communicate with AI systems, our platform will help to improve theaccuracy and efficiency of AI-based processes, ultimately leading to better outcomes for users. In summary, our project is developing a platform that will revolutionize the way people communicate with artificial intelligence. By providing users with customized and professional prompts, we aim to simplify the process of creating effective prompts and improve the accuracy and efficiency of AI-based processes.

Machine Prompt
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Hakeim Mind

Hakeim Mind is an innovative and advanced AI-powered mindmap generation tool designed specifically to assist medical students in organizing and effectively retaining complex information. By automating the creation of visual maps, this cutting-edge tool revolutionizes the way medical students approach their studies. With Hakeim Mind, medical students can say goodbye to the time-consuming and tedious task of manually creating mindmaps. Instead, they can rely on this intelligent tool to generate visually appealing and comprehensive mindmaps effortlessly. By doing so, Hakeim Mind empowers students to focus their time and energy on understanding and internalizing the intricate details of medical concepts rather than getting lost in the process of organizing their notes. One of the key advantages of Hakeim Mind is its ability to handle the vast and intricate web of medical knowledge. Medical students often encounter complex subjects and interrelated topics that can be challenging to navigate. Hakeim Mind simplifies this process by automatically connecting related information, ensuring that all crucial aspects of a topic are properly represented in the mindmap. This comprehensive and interconnected visualization not only aids in better understanding but also enhances knowledge retention. Furthermore, Hakeim Mind offers a wide range of customization options, allowing medical students to personalize their mindmaps according to their unique learning preferences. Users can easily modify the appearance, structure, and color schemes of their mindmaps, making them visually appealing and tailored to their individual needs. This flexibility ensures that students can create mindmaps that resonate with their learning style, ultimately enhancing their engagement and comprehension.



The task of reading and researching regulations and laws can be a daunting and time-consuming process for individuals, especially in a complex legal landscape like Saudi Arabia. Recognizing the need for a more efficient and cost-effective solution, a two-sided platform has emerged to assist customers in navigating these intricate legal waters. This platform leverages the power of AI to provide a streamlined and automated approach to researching regulations and laws specific to Saudi Arabia. By employing cutting-edge technologies such as Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Natural Language Understanding (NLU), the platform is able to analyze and comprehend the semantic meaning of various business contexts. This enables it to deliver tailored and relevant sets of regulations that are specifically applicable to each customer's unique business case. By harnessing the capabilities of NLP and NLU, the platform significantly reduces the time and effort required for individuals to identify and comprehend the relevant regulations. Instead of manually sifting through lengthy legal texts, customers can rely on the platform's AI-powered solution to extract the necessary regulations that directly impact their specific business operations. This not only saves time but also minimizes the costs associated with extensive research and legal consultations. Moreover, the platform goes beyond providing a mere compilation of regulations. It understands that customers may require further assistance in navigating the legal landscape. To address this, the platform incorporates a recommendation system that suggests consultants and specialists who are well-versed in the specific regulations relevant to the customer's business case.



Business owners are facing difficulty in running effective advertising campaigns and often spend a lot of resources without achieving the desired result. In addition, creating innovative content is a big challenge and takes several days to produce. Leveraging the power of generative AI, we can provide you with a highly effective and cost-efficient advertising campaign solution in a short time. By using a simple questionnaire, the solution can support business owners in planning and management of the campaign and accelerate the creation of the content needed. Our solution “Adify” leverages Python's powerful capabilities at this time, using Streamlit for intuitive, interactive web applications. We've integrated OpenAI's ChatGPT for advanced AI-powered interactions, facilitating insightful and personalized conversations with users. The use of DALL-E from OpenAI revolutionizes visual content creation within the app, generating unique, AI-designed images based on user input. These technologies combined ensure an innovative, user-focused experience, marrying advanced AI with intuitive design, making our solution a pioneer in the frontier of Ad industry. To summarize, Adify will support business owners in managing and planning campaigns using generative AI to create required content for campaigns instantly such as: (social media textual content, images for the posts, and recommendation for the rollout of the campaigns), and in future, it will scale to measure campaigns impact and integrate well with social media platforms.

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AI Map

Solution Description: In an era of information overload, planning a trip can be a daunting task, with countless sources of recommendations for attractions distributed across various websites, blogs, and social media platforms. This process becomes time-consuming, as individuals have to painstakingly gather, filter, and organize information based on their unique interests. Our solution to this problem is the AI Map, an innovative application designed to streamline the planning process and maximize your travel experience. Using advanced artificial intelligence technology, the AI Map creates personalized trips based on user's interests, providing a unique, tailored itinerary that takes the hassle out of trip planning. Based on users preferences, such as cultural sites, outdoor adventures, etc. The app then uses these inputs, combined with sophisticated algorithms, to recommend attractions that align with the user's interests. Moreover, the AI Map integrates with real-time GPS technology to detect the user's location and provide spontaneous recommendations of nearby attractions. This feature proves beneficial for both planned and impromptu explorations. The AI Map goes beyond merely suggesting places to visit. It organizes the recommended attractions into an optimized itinerary, taking into account factors like distance, estimated visit duration, opening hours, and even traffic conditions. This comprehensive plan saves users valuable time and ensures a smooth, enjoyable trip. As users interact with the system, the AI Map learns from their feedback, constantly refining and improving recommendations. This machine learning capability allows the application to adapt over time, catering better to users' evolving tastes and interests. AI Map is a one-stop solution for trip planning. It harnesses the power of AI to deliver personalized, up-to-date, and dynamic travel recommendations, reducing time wasted on researching and planning.

AI-Hackathon Team

Saudi Arabia in the Eye of AI

AI Arabian Lens is at the forefront of a revolutionary journey to redefine the way we experience tourism. By leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, we are transforming 360-degree videos into immersive 3D models using the state-of-the-art animation feature provided by But our innovation doesn't stop there. We're infusing these models with the beauty of poetry, generated by the advanced GPT4, and translated into various languages using cutting-edge text-to-speech technology. This ensures that our content resonates with a global audience, making the unique charm and rich cultural heritage of Saudi Arabia accessible to all, regardless of their linguistic background. Our project, 'Saudi Arabia in the Eye of AI', is more than just a website. It's a dynamic platform that invites people from all walks of life to share their own videos, fostering a community of creators, explorers, and AI enthusiasts. By offering revenue from ads and sponsorships, we incentivize user participation, ensuring a constant influx of fresh content that reflects the diverse experiences and perspectives of our user base. Moreover, we believe in the power of collaboration and community engagement. We encourage users to contribute their unique insights and experiences, making them an integral part of our project. This not only enriches our content but also empowers individuals by giving them a platform to express their creativity and share their stories. Join us as we reshape the landscape of tourism, one video at a time, through the lens of AI. Experience the magic of Saudi Arabia as you've never seen it before, brought to life by the power of artificial intelligence and the collective creativity of our community. Together, we can create a new paradigm for cultural exploration and appreciation, breaking down barriers and bringing people closer together in the process.

AI Arabian Lens

Your qareen

With Macs and iPhones, Apple democratised access to computation and digital tools. We at hope to do the same for AI. As tradition goes, we all have a qareen: a constant companion, invisible to us, but working against us, unless it has been tamed. We at will give you tools to tame your qareen(s) in the digital life. At, you will find your first qareen waiting for you. You could train it to do trivial things like setting reminders, or more sensitive things like mediating your conversations with people. Let your qareen read and respond to your incoming chats! Let your qareen help you prepare with roleplaying before a difficult conversation with someone, or vice versa! Your qareen is available in the dedicated on all platforms, but you may get in touch with it via your favorite chat apps, your popular social media, even via a phone call! Your first qareen will be your own AI-based assistant, that you trained yourself. This way it will be infinitely more personal and useful than the generic AI from large corporations. We at, plan to help you train your qareen to do much, much more! What will the training look like? Simple ... Chatting!!! We will of course provide you realtime feedback and guidance when you use, but it will all only depend on how well you can describe what you want your qareen to do. One last thing ... you can have more than one qareen!!! With the help of, YOU can make as many qareens as you would like for yourself!!! Maybe you have one qareen to help you with your morning meditations, another one to monitor the healthiness of your food, a very personal one to plan and track buying a gift for your parent, a sponsored one from BinDawood for your weekly groceries, or one that you share with your child to develop and read your unique bed-time stories with.

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