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Breath Revive

BreathRevive is a groundbreaking application revolutionizing lung health management through advanced artificial intelligence (AI). In a world where respiratory diseases continue to pose significant challenges, our solution offers a proactive approach to early detection and monitoring. Utilizing state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms trained on diverse breath samples, BreathRevive analyzes breath parameters such as gases and volatile organic compounds with unparalleled accuracy. This enables the identification of subtle patterns indicative of various lung conditions, including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and lung cancer. The user experience is seamless and intuitive, requiring only a simple exhale into the device's microphone. Within moments, users receive personalized feedback, empowering them with valuable insights into their lung health status. Crucially, BreathRevive prioritizes data privacy and security, ensuring that sensitive information remains safeguarded at all times. Our commitment to excellence extends beyond technological innovation. We collaborate closely with healthcare professionals to validate and refine our solution, enhancing its accuracy and efficacy in real-world clinical settings. Through partnerships with medical experts and institutions, we strive to improve patient outcomes and alleviate the global burden of lung diseases. BreathRevive is more than just an app; it's a beacon of hope for individuals worldwide, offering a proactive approach to lung health management. By empowering users with the tools and knowledge they need to take control of their respiratory well-being, we aim to transform lives and foster healthier communities. Join us as we revolutionize global lung health with AI-powered solutions.

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Historia aims to revolutionize our relationship with the past. We believe knowledge of history is crucial to understanding ourselves and the world around us, but traditional methods of teaching history often make it feel distant, irrelevant, and overwhelming. Our solution is to transform history from a list of facts into an immersive storytelling experience centered around the individuals who shaped the world. Here's how: Focus on the Human Element: Historia doesn't just present dates and battles. It digs into the lives of historical figures—their motivations, triumphs, failures, and how they navigated their time. This makes history relatable and inspiring. AI-Powered & Personalized: Historia leverages a powerful AI engine and a vast vector database of historical information. This allows it to tailor the information and storytelling style to the user. Questions are answered in a way that's age-appropriate and matches the user's interests. Interactive, Not Passive: Historia encourages exploration. Users don't just read summaries; they can ask questions, dive deeper into specific topics, and follow interconnected threads of history. Community & Sharing: Learning is social. Historia fosters a community where users can engage with each other, sharing their discoveries, questions, and enthusiasm for the past. Our Vision We imagine a world where history is as captivating as a great novel, where anyone can feel connected to the extraordinary people who came before them. Historia aims to be the ultimate tool for: Students: Making studying engaging and effective. Educators: Inspiring students with a dynamic resource that adapts to their needs. History lovers: Unlocking deeper perspectives and new avenues for exploration. Everyone Else: Opening a doorway to a richer understanding of humanity through its stories.

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Stock Edge

Stock Edge is an innovative stock analysis platform that aims to empower investors with advanced analytical tools. It introduces the concept of utilizing time series analysis to unlock the power of stock analysis and forecasting, enabling users to make informed investment decisions. Stock Edge differentiates itself by offering precise predictions of future stock prices. By leveraging the power of time series analysis, it provides accurate forecasts that assist investors in understanding potential market movements. This feature is particularly valuable for investors who rely on data-driven strategies and seek to optimize their returns. StockEdge is able to uncover hidden patterns and trends in historical stock data. Through comprehensive analysis of large datasets, the platform enables investors to identify patterns that might not be apparent at first glance. This unique insight empowers investors to anticipate market movements and capitalize on emerging opportunities. The platform is designed to cater to a wide range of users, from seasoned investors to beginners. It offers a user-friendly interface and intuitive tools that make stock analysis accessible to everyone, regardless of their prior experience or expertise in financial markets. Informed decision-making is a central theme, as the platform provides timely and accurate insights that enable users to make real-time decisions based on market trends and potential risks. Additionally, Stock Edge aims to enhance financial performance by equipping users with the tools and information needed to optimize portfolio allocations and identify undervalued assets. Furthermore, Stock Edge envisions driving market innovation by democratizing access to sophisticated forecasting techniques. By making these advanced analytical tools available to a broader range of investors, the platform seeks to empower a new generation of investors to navigate complex market dynamics and contribute to positive change in the financial industry.

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Lifeline - Business Assistant

In today's fast-paced and highly competitive business environment, small business owners often grapple with a multifaceted challenge. They must optimize and effectively manage their financial resources, track efficiencies of numerous and diverse projects, and maintain overall business health, while facing limited resources and high operational demands. With 'Lifeline,' say goodbye to uncertainties and welcome a future where your business thrives with confidence. As your virtual business assistant, giving you real-time data-driven analysis of how your business is doing, generating summary reports of your invoices, projects’ progress, and contracts, and it is customizable based on your business, All in one place. Recent statistics reveal that there are approximately 1.23 million small and medium-sized enterprises operating in Saudi Arabia. Thus, we have developed Lifeline, a tailored solution designed to support these businesses. Lifeline offers a range of tools and resources that help to navigate the complexities of financial management, project efficiency tracking, and overall business health maintenance. Lifeline was crafted by integrating OpenAI's advanced AI technology, LangChain's linguistic processing capabilities, and Streemlit user interface design, creating a seamless and efficient tool for businesses. Lifeline presents numerous advantages that align with Saudi Arabia's 2030 Vision, including streamlining administrative tasks, fostering data-driven strategies, saving time, and offering vital support to new business entrants. Looking ahead, our goal is to integrate Lifeline seamlessly with existing business tools and workflows. Our commitment is to the ongoing development of Lifeline, transforming it into an even more robust and adaptable chatbot solution, ensuring it remains a valuable asset in the evolving business landscape.

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AnimEye animal detection for road safety

Road safety is generally a great concern for local authorities, therefore they invest a lot in making the roads safer for the driver and pedestrian. However, another concern is preserving the animal live as well, and this is where our product comes in. AnimEye leverages AI technology to solve this problem by detecting animals on the road and sending alerts to local authorities so precautionary actions could be take. We planned our work around 2 iterations, the first one is a simple classifier that classifies whether the input image has animal crossing the road or not, which we have successfully achieved. The second phase would include working on a detector that detects the animals, their location, and counts them then gives an alert with the number of animals on the road and their location. this step is what we hope we will able to achieve in the near future with more time and resources. For the first phase we started with collecting and processing the data from multiple sources: 1- open sources online websites 2- downloading videos from online sources and transforming them into frames so they could be used for model training our train data included 978 images belonging to the 2 classes while our test set included 240 images between the same classes. As for the machine learning / deep learning part we have tried multiple models: 1- building our own model 2- VGG16 pretrained model 3- Resnet50 pretrained model However, the best accuracy we got was from the VGG16 model as follow: train accuracy : 0.91 test accuracy: 0.87 we believe our progress so far is a good proof of concept but understand that there are certainly issues that could be addressed as we work together more knowledge and experience in the future. However, we believe in the greater good that this product could provide for the human life, the economy, and the environment.

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Introducing DemandGuru, a revolutionary restaurant demand forecast app poised to revolutionize operational management in the dynamic realm of the restaurant industry. This comprehensive application seamlessly integrates cutting-edge technology with a user-friendly interface, providing restaurateurs with unparalleled insights for resource optimization, waste reduction, and enhanced efficiency. DemandGuru employs advanced predictive analytics algorithms to scrutinize historical data, including seasonality, day of the week, holidays, and local events, enabling precise forecasting of future demand. The user-friendly interface offers intuitive access to comprehensive forecasts, graphs, and reports, empowering restaurant owners to make informed decisions swiftly. Acknowledging diverse needs, the app allows robust customization, fine-tuning accuracy. Real-time updates and alerts keep pace with industry dynamics, facilitating quick adjustments to staffing, menu offerings, and inventory based on unexpected demand changes. Cost optimization is a key benefit, minimizing overstock, reducing food waste, and streamlining staffing levels for improved profit margins. In conclusion, DemandGuru heralds a new era in restaurant management, empowering establishments to thrive in a competitive industry through data-driven decisions. Embrace the future of restaurant management with DemandGuru, where precision meets innovation, transforming operations and profitability.

Stat Squad
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AWS SageMaker


Senture: A Sensory Adventure for All Goal: To make video games accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities. Senture is a new immersive adventure game where a visually impaired science student becomes a hero with the aid of AI and cutting-edge technologies. Players experience the world through multiple dimensions with a unique sensory component, utilizing assistive devices, interactive AI companions, and an AI guide to overcome challenges and unravel mysteries. Senture uses AI to create an accessible and inclusive gaming experience for all: Text-to-3D technology creates characters and environments. Text-to-speech technology allows players with visual impairments to play and enjoy the game. AI-powered NPCs have conversations with the player, answer their questions, and help them overcome challenges. AI-powered script editing allows players to create and edit custom scripts. More than just a game, Senture is a platform for promoting accessibility and inclusivity in the gaming industry. It showcases user-friendly technologies and inspires players to embrace the future. Additional Goals: Raise awareness of AI technology and the experiences of blind people. Educate players about the importance of accessibility and inclusion. Inspire players to become changemakers and work to create a more equitable and inclusive society. Senture is a truly innovative game with the potential to make a real impact on the world. By providing an accessible and inclusive gaming experience for all, Senture is helping to create a more equitable and inclusive future for everyone. Solutions: Applying AI tools to make video games more accessible to people with disabilities.

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Psychological State Detection Using AI

In our increasingly digital world, effective communication with machines has become integral to our daily lives. However, a significant challenge lies in bridging the emotional gap between humans and artificial intelligence. Traditional human-computer interfaces often miss the nuanced emotional cues present in our voices, hindering our ability to interact with machines in a more natural and emotionally intelligent way. By using Tensorflow, Streamlit, and LSTM We trained our model on a huge audio datasets of 200 target words were spoken in the carrier phrase "Say the word _' by two actresses and recordings were made of the set portraying each of seven emotions (anger, disgust, fear, happiness, pleasant surprise, sadness, and neutral) with a total of 2800 data points. Feature Extraction: extracting relevant features from audio data. These features include pitch, tone, intensity, and spectral characteristics. Model Training: LSTM networks, as part of the TensorFlow framework, are trained on labeled audio datasets that associate audio samples with specific psychological states (e.g., happiness, sadness, anger). Pattern Recognition: During training, the LSTM learns to recognize patterns in the extracted audio features that correlate with different psychological states. It identifies how changes in vocal attributes correspond to specific emotions. Inference by Streamlit: Once trained, the AI model can infer the psychological state of unseen audio data. It analyzes the audio's features and provides an estimation of the emotional state expressed in the speech.

The Data Hunter
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In a world saturated with travel recommendations, where countless platforms offer generic suggestions to travelers, we embark on a journey to redefine the very essence of exploration. Our project is not just another travel platform; it's a pioneering approach to personalized travel experiences. Imagine a world where your journey begins not with a list of ubiquitous tourist spots, but with an exploration of your own personality and preferences. This is the heart of our endeavor - to make your travels uniquely yours. In the sprawling realm of Saudi Arabia, where the tapestry of history, culture, and nature unfurls before your eyes, we have harnessed the power of advanced technology to create a travel companion that truly understands you. We delve into the depths of your personality, asking questions that unlock the hidden desires of your wanderlust. Are you an adventurer seeking adrenaline-pumping escapades? Or perhaps, a history enthusiast yearning for the stories of ancient civilizations? Maybe, you're the type who craves serenity amidst nature's splendor. Our platform doesn't stop at knowing you; it crafts bespoke journeys tailored to your spirit. Every recommendation is a reflection of your unique traits, transforming the mundane into the extraordinary. Our commitment extends beyond personalized experiences. We believe in responsible travel, in preserving the authenticity of local cultures, in leaving behind only footprints and taking away memories. We're not just guiding you to destinations; we're shaping your connection with the world. This is not just a project; it's a movement. A movement that empowers travelers to rediscover themselves through their adventures. A movement that promises to paint the canvas of Saudi Arabia's beauty with the vibrant strokes of your personality. Welcome to the future of travel. Welcome to a journey that's uniquely, beautifully, undeniably yours.

EliteAI Creators
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OpenAI gymLangChain

World needs Talents

Scouting New Talents in Football Based on Stats Football is a global sport with a huge fan base. Every year, millions of young athletes dream of playing professional football. However, only a small percentage of these athletes will ever make it to the pros One of the biggest challenges for young athletes is getting noticed by scouts. Scouts are constantly looking for new talent, but they can only watch so many games. This means that many talented athletes are overlooked. Our project uses data science to identify and scout new talents in football. We collect data on a player's stats, such as passing accuracy, rushing yards, and tackles. We then use this data to create a player profile that identifies their strengths and weaknesses We also use this data to predict a player's potential value to a team. Our project has the potential to revolutionize the way that football is scouted. By using data science, we can identify new talents that would have otherwise been overlooked. This could lead to more competitive and exciting football leagues, and give more athletes the opportunity to reach their full potential. Business model: To sell our data to clubs that want to know the strength and weaknesses for each player in Thier team And the clubs in higher league that want to find talents that performs like a professional one without costing them much money And the clubs in a lower leagues that wants to market their players and their talents to the other clubs and league Finally the individual players that has no team that want to market his talent to the world and make it seen Our customers Clubs , coaches, academy , players

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CodexCohereWhisperStable DiffusionGPT-3GPT-4


من خلال أحد العلامات الحيوية الخاصة بالانسان وربطها بنظام مداوم مع كاميرات المنشأة نستطيع معرفة المتواجد داخل نطاق المنشأة دون الحاجة لأي مجهود أو أجهزة إضافية أخرى كالجوال أو سوار وخلافه نستخدم في مشروعنا عدد من تقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة face recognition – interactive dashboard – supervised machine learning وربطها بالكاميرات المتوفرة في المنشأة وإتاحة لوحة التحكم للمسؤول في المنشأة لمتابعة دوام المنتسبين للمنشأة. كما يتيح النظام إرسال الإشعارات للمنتسبين بعدم تواجدهم وضرورة إثبات حضورهم عبر خيارات أخرى تتوفر عن طريق بصمة الجوال في داخل النطاق الجغرافي أو رمز OTP . كما انه بالإمكان إضافة عدد من الميزات للنظام كتفعيل خاصية التحذير من دخول الغير منتسبين . يتكون المشروع من 3 عناصر برمجة الكاميرات لوحة التحكم تطبيق المنتسبين ونعمل على ربط العناصر الثلاث لتسهيل عمل الموظفين وإدارة الموارد البشرية والحفاظ على أمن وسلامة المنشأة ومنتسبيها.

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CodexQdrantReinforcement LearningYOLOv6


Recently there has been a trend in healthcare towards Ai-based diagnostics, which utilize ML/DL to diagnose patients based on EHR, imaging, etc. But in order to use them, there has to be a complex interface that is difficult for most users to navigate, and in most cases, it’s designed in english, which limits their usability for non-english speakers. Our project aims to utilize the immense power of LLMs to facilitate the communication between the end-user (patient/ healthcare provider) and these large diagnostic tools. By using a simple chatbot. How it works: In its current form, the chatbot is connected to 2 machine learning classifiers (Cardiovascular disease risk / Maternal health risk). The basic use case is this: Users are asked to describe their symptoms in free form text. First message is interpreted and parsed by the LLM framework (langchain) and then checked if they’re sufficient. If not, the bot asks the user about the missing data points. When data is sufficient, it’s sent to classifiers. After the classification process, the result is sent back to the user in a properly formatted message. Who it is for: Main focus would be the telehealth market in africa, which is expected to reach $22 Billion in 2030 in the Saudi Arabia; UAE; South Africa region alone, The target market includes: personalized checkups, where users can learn about their risks. Chronic care: the bot would help with updates, medication adherence, and other care aspects. Healthcare providers, who would use this to help with the throughput of outpatient clinics in times of pressure on the system. Like what happened during the COVID-19 crisis. What the fully realized version would be: With the new release of GPT-4, this tool could be expanded to accept images (X-ray, CT, etc.) inside its context, which will enable the bot to comprehend the full medical history of a patient, this will enable greater question answering, and will be more useful as a personalized telehealth tool.

Neural Sonnets
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QIMA Meetings

**QIMA Meetings: Driving value from/to every decision** QIMA Meetings is on a mission to combat the massive resource wastage from unproductive business meetings. The scope of this issue is staggering. With the U.S. alone losing $37 billion annually due to inefficient meetings, and time spent in meetings increasing annually by 8-10%, the need for a transformative solution is compelling. Our platform, armed with cutting-edge technologies such as Langchain, Large Language Models, and AI speech-to-text, revolutionizes the entire lifecycle of meetings. We provide comprehensive meeting optimization, converting hours of discussion into actionable insights step-by-step - before, during, and after meetings. This systematic approach gives QIMA Meetings a unique competitive edge, as we harness AI technology in ways that traditional tools cannot. Our team, a blend of seasoned professionals and innovative tech minds, is passionately committed to spearheading this revolution. From a financial perspective, our primary expenditures are directed toward server, local hosting, API, and overhead costs. On the flip side, we project our revenues to be driven by a subscription-based model, tiered pricing, customization services, and potentially consultancy services. The projected ROI is impressive, as even minor improvements in meeting productivity could translate into millions in savings. The urgency for timely investment in QIMA Meetings is critical to retain our lead in leveraging state-of-the-art technology and maximizing AI-powered business solutions' potential. Such an investment will catalyze our growth, turning wasted time into strategic value, and reforming the future of business meetings, one step at a time.

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The engine would provide a fully detailed study plan, simple explanations of complex concepts, questions to test understanding, and a summary and revision plan. Project Scope: The project will involve the following tasks: Data Collection: We will collect a large dataset of academic papers and textbooks. This dataset will be used to train the AI engine. AI Engine Training: We will train the AI engine on the collected dataset. The engine will learn to understand the different concepts and subtopics within a given academic topic. User Interface Development: We will develop a user interface for the AI engine. This interface will allow students to interact with the engine and generate study plans, explanations, questions, and summaries. Testing and Improvement: We will test the AI engine and make improvements as needed. We will also gather feedback from students to ensure that the engine is meeting their needs. Project Benefits: The benefits of this project include: - Increased student success: The AI engine can help students to study more effectively and efficiently. This can lead to increased student success in their academic coursework. Improved student understanding: The AI engine can help students to understand complex concepts more deeply. This can lead to improved student learning outcomes. Reduced student stress: The AI engine can help students to feel more confident and prepared for their studies. This can lead to reduced student stress levels. Project Team: The project team will consist of the following members:

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SociAIlytics is an innovative project at the forefront of social network analysis. Our company is driven by the belief that understanding and harnessing the power of social connections can revolutionize the way businesses operate and grow in the digital age.we leverage LangChain and cutting-edge technologies to extract valuable insights from social network data. By analyzing the intricate web of relationships within social networks, we help businesses gain a deeper understanding of their target audience, uncover influential individuals, identify emerging trends, and optimize their marketing strategies. Our comprehensive suite of analytics tools provides actionable insights that empower businesses to make data-driven decisions. From measuring social influence and sentiment analysis to identifying key opinion leaders and optimizing network structures, we equip our clients with the knowledge they need to enhance customer engagement, drive brand awareness, and improve overall business performance. As we move forward, our focus is on continuous improvement and innovation. We plan to enhance the social management capabilities by integrating it with other systems and databases, allowing it to access real-time information and provide even more comprehensive support. We also prioritize ongoing training and fine-tuning of the AI models to ensure optimal performance and accuracy. With SociAIlytics, businesses can tap into the power of social connections, gain a competitive edge, and thrive in an increasingly interconnected world.

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Business owners are facing difficulty in running effective advertising campaigns and often spend a lot of resources without achieving the desired result. In addition, creating innovative content is a big challenge and takes several days to produce. Leveraging the power of generative AI, we can provide you with a highly effective and cost-efficient advertising campaign solution in a short time. By using a simple questionnaire, the solution can support business owners in planning and management of the campaign and accelerate the creation of the content needed. Our solution “Adify” leverages Python's powerful capabilities at this time, using Streamlit for intuitive, interactive web applications. We've integrated OpenAI's ChatGPT for advanced AI-powered interactions, facilitating insightful and personalized conversations with users. The use of DALL-E from OpenAI revolutionizes visual content creation within the app, generating unique, AI-designed images based on user input. These technologies combined ensure an innovative, user-focused experience, marrying advanced AI with intuitive design, making our solution a pioneer in the frontier of Ad industry. To summarize, Adify will support business owners in managing and planning campaigns using generative AI to create required content for campaigns instantly such as: (social media textual content, images for the posts, and recommendation for the rollout of the campaigns), and in future, it will scale to measure campaigns impact and integrate well with social media platforms.

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Your qareen

With Macs and iPhones, Apple democratised access to computation and digital tools. We at hope to do the same for AI. As tradition goes, we all have a qareen: a constant companion, invisible to us, but working against us, unless it has been tamed. We at will give you tools to tame your qareen(s) in the digital life. At, you will find your first qareen waiting for you. You could train it to do trivial things like setting reminders, or more sensitive things like mediating your conversations with people. Let your qareen read and respond to your incoming chats! Let your qareen help you prepare with roleplaying before a difficult conversation with someone, or vice versa! Your qareen is available in the dedicated on all platforms, but you may get in touch with it via your favorite chat apps, your popular social media, even via a phone call! Your first qareen will be your own AI-based assistant, that you trained yourself. This way it will be infinitely more personal and useful than the generic AI from large corporations. We at, plan to help you train your qareen to do much, much more! What will the training look like? Simple ... Chatting!!! We will of course provide you realtime feedback and guidance when you use, but it will all only depend on how well you can describe what you want your qareen to do. One last thing ... you can have more than one qareen!!! With the help of, YOU can make as many qareens as you would like for yourself!!! Maybe you have one qareen to help you with your morning meditations, another one to monitor the healthiness of your food, a very personal one to plan and track buying a gift for your parent, a sponsored one from BinDawood for your weekly groceries, or one that you share with your child to develop and read your unique bed-time stories with.

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