GPT-3 Applications created during lablab AI Hackathons

Explore the capabilities of OpenAI's GPT-3 model and get inspired by amazing AI applications created by community during our AI Hackathons

Breath Revive

BreathRevive is a groundbreaking application revolutionizing lung health management through advanced artificial intelligence (AI). In a world where respiratory diseases continue to pose significant challenges, our solution offers a proactive approach to early detection and monitoring. Utilizing state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms trained on diverse breath samples, BreathRevive analyzes breath parameters such as gases and volatile organic compounds with unparalleled accuracy. This enables the identification of subtle patterns indicative of various lung conditions, including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and lung cancer. The user experience is seamless and intuitive, requiring only a simple exhale into the device's microphone. Within moments, users receive personalized feedback, empowering them with valuable insights into their lung health status. Crucially, BreathRevive prioritizes data privacy and security, ensuring that sensitive information remains safeguarded at all times. Our commitment to excellence extends beyond technological innovation. We collaborate closely with healthcare professionals to validate and refine our solution, enhancing its accuracy and efficacy in real-world clinical settings. Through partnerships with medical experts and institutions, we strive to improve patient outcomes and alleviate the global burden of lung diseases. BreathRevive is more than just an app; it's a beacon of hope for individuals worldwide, offering a proactive approach to lung health management. By empowering users with the tools and knowledge they need to take control of their respiratory well-being, we aim to transform lives and foster healthier communities. Join us as we revolutionize global lung health with AI-powered solutions.

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Historia aims to revolutionize our relationship with the past. We believe knowledge of history is crucial to understanding ourselves and the world around us, but traditional methods of teaching history often make it feel distant, irrelevant, and overwhelming. Our solution is to transform history from a list of facts into an immersive storytelling experience centered around the individuals who shaped the world. Here's how: Focus on the Human Element: Historia doesn't just present dates and battles. It digs into the lives of historical figures—their motivations, triumphs, failures, and how they navigated their time. This makes history relatable and inspiring. AI-Powered & Personalized: Historia leverages a powerful AI engine and a vast vector database of historical information. This allows it to tailor the information and storytelling style to the user. Questions are answered in a way that's age-appropriate and matches the user's interests. Interactive, Not Passive: Historia encourages exploration. Users don't just read summaries; they can ask questions, dive deeper into specific topics, and follow interconnected threads of history. Community & Sharing: Learning is social. Historia fosters a community where users can engage with each other, sharing their discoveries, questions, and enthusiasm for the past. Our Vision We imagine a world where history is as captivating as a great novel, where anyone can feel connected to the extraordinary people who came before them. Historia aims to be the ultimate tool for: Students: Making studying engaging and effective. Educators: Inspiring students with a dynamic resource that adapts to their needs. History lovers: Unlocking deeper perspectives and new avenues for exploration. Everyone Else: Opening a doorway to a richer understanding of humanity through its stories.

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RezBot is more than just another resume builder. It's an intelligent solution designed to revolutionize the job search experience. We understand the pain points faced by job seekers – endless resume updates, overwhelming job boards, and frustrating application processes. RezBot tackles these challenges head-on with a powerful combination of AI and automation. How RezBot Works: Targeted Job Search: RezBot integrates with LinkedIn to find opportunities that match your desired job title and location. AI-Powered Analysis: It analyzes your skills, experience, and job descriptions to identify the most relevant matches. Tailored Resume Generation: RezBot crafts a custom resume for each job, highlighting the skills and keywords that matter most, increasing your chances of getting noticed by recruiters and ATS systems. Streamlined Applications: RezBot helps simplify the application process, saving you valuable time and effort. Why RezBot Stands Out: Harnessing the Power of AI: We leverage advanced AI for in-depth analysis and strategic resume tailoring, going beyond simple keyword matching. Beyond Resume Building: RezBot streamlines the entire process, from job search to application. Transformative Potential: We envision RezBot not only helping job seekers but also providing valuable data insights into hiring trends and the job market. We believe RezBot has the potential to make a real difference in the lives of job seekers and to reshape how we approach the job search process.


Lifeline - Business Assistant

In today's fast-paced and highly competitive business environment, small business owners often grapple with a multifaceted challenge. They must optimize and effectively manage their financial resources, track efficiencies of numerous and diverse projects, and maintain overall business health, while facing limited resources and high operational demands. With 'Lifeline,' say goodbye to uncertainties and welcome a future where your business thrives with confidence. As your virtual business assistant, giving you real-time data-driven analysis of how your business is doing, generating summary reports of your invoices, projects’ progress, and contracts, and it is customizable based on your business, All in one place. Recent statistics reveal that there are approximately 1.23 million small and medium-sized enterprises operating in Saudi Arabia. Thus, we have developed Lifeline, a tailored solution designed to support these businesses. Lifeline offers a range of tools and resources that help to navigate the complexities of financial management, project efficiency tracking, and overall business health maintenance. Lifeline was crafted by integrating OpenAI's advanced AI technology, LangChain's linguistic processing capabilities, and Streemlit user interface design, creating a seamless and efficient tool for businesses. Lifeline presents numerous advantages that align with Saudi Arabia's 2030 Vision, including streamlining administrative tasks, fostering data-driven strategies, saving time, and offering vital support to new business entrants. Looking ahead, our goal is to integrate Lifeline seamlessly with existing business tools and workflows. Our commitment is to the ongoing development of Lifeline, transforming it into an even more robust and adaptable chatbot solution, ensuring it remains a valuable asset in the evolving business landscape.

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Wonderlore: Where Stories Come Alive and Wisdom Takes Root Imagine a world where stories unfold like magic, personalized to each child's unique spark. This is the world of Wonderlore, an AI-powered storytelling experience that ignites the imagination and nurtures a love for learning. Wonderlore goes beyond traditional storytelling. It's an interactive journey where children become the architects of their own narratives. With each choice, they shape the story, influencing the plot and discovering new possibilities. The magic of AI technology adapts and evolves the narrative, creating an ever-unfolding adventure that keeps them captivated. But Wonderlore is more than just fun and adventure. Each story is woven with wisdom, gently teaching valuable lessons about life and the world. Children learn about empathy, kindness, resilience, and critical thinking, all within the captivating world of their personalized story. These lessons become part of their moral compass, guiding them as they grow and evolve. Learning is no longer a chore, but an exciting exploration. Wonderlore tailors its content to each child's individual needs and learning style, transforming complex concepts into engaging experiences. They discover new knowledge with joy and excitement, fueled by their own curiosity and the magic of the story. Wonderlore is more than just an app. It's a gateway to a world where imagination knows no bounds and wisdom blooms. It's a place where children can be themselves, explore their creativity, and learn valuable lessons that will shape their lives. It's where stories come alive and wisdom takes root, preparing them to become confident, compassionate, and wise individuals.

Stable DiffusionGPT-3DALL-E-2ChatGPT

Rafah AI

The idea behind Rafah AI is to solve many problems and challenges in the field of mental health and health wellness, including: 1. Lack of access: Providing easy and 24/7 access to emotional and psychological support, helping to overcome time and location constraints and making the service available to individuals anytime, anywhere. 2. Treatment costs: The project aims to provide mental health and health wellness support at reasonable prices, reducing the financial burden on individuals and making services accessible to everyone. 3. Shortage of specialists: Using smart technologies like artificial intelligence and data analysis, conversations are analyzed and customized care plans are provided to users, compensating for the shortage of specialists in the field of mental health and enabling personalized and effective care. 4. Overcoming stigma: By ensuring the privacy and security of customer data through advanced encryption, this contributes to building trust and security for users without fear of stigma or embarrassment. 5. Improving service quality and outcomes: Continuous data analysis is used to improve service quality and achieve positive results for users. Modern techniques and artificial intelligence are used to improve project efficiency and deliver the highest quality of services. Through these solutions and benefits, we contribute to facilitating and enhancing access to mental health care and health wellness in general, improving the user experience and enhancing the quality of life for individuals.


AI the Unseen Hero in the Battle Against Cancer

When it comes to cancer care, time is a valuable resource. Long wait times for patients can have a negative impact on their mental health as well as allow the illness to worsen unchecked. Long wait times in medical facilities must be addressed, and artificial intelligence (AI) offers creative ways to expedite patient care. AI-Powered Queue Optimization Patient line optimization is made possible by AI's incorporation into healthcare systems. An essential component of AI applications is predictive analytics, which estimates patient influx and helps healthcare practitioners deploy resources effectively while reducing wait times. Remote Patient Surveillance AI offers a paradigm change in cancer care by enabling remote patient monitoring beyond the walls of physical healthcare institutions. Patients are empowered to take an active role in their care when wearable technology and home monitoring systems are combined with artificial intelligence algorithms. Unraveling Imaging Complexities Cancer diagnosis often hinges on the interpretation of complex imaging data, a task that demands precision and efficiency. Traditional methods like scans and MRIs, while effective, face challenges in handling the nuanced nature of cancerous growth. The infusion of AI introduces a dynamic element into this process. AI Algorithms: Enhancing Precision At the heart of this transformation lies AI's ability to analyze vast datasets through sophisticated algorithms. These algorithms are trained to recognize subtle patterns and anomalies, providing a level of precision that complements and, in some cases, surpasses human capability. By incorporating AI into diagnostic workflows, healthcare professionals gain a powerful tool for more accurate and rapid cancer detection through image analysis.



يعد المشروع نواة لمنصة تقدم خدمات مساعدة مبنية على الذكاء الصنعي، الان لدي خدمتين اساسيتين الاولى هي خدمة انشاء محادثة متسلسلة مع المودلز الخاصة ب GPT وفيها اضفت واجهة مناسبة تتيح للمستخدم الاستفادة من جيمع الميزات التي قد يحتاجها. الخدمة الثانية chatbot وفيها يستطيع العميل من بناء الchatbot الخاص به بكل اريحية من خلال تقديم ملف pdf او Doc ويتم توليد تطبيق فيه مودل مع ايندبوينت خاص يستطيه اخذه واستخدامه في موقعه كيفما يشاء، حيث يتم توليد App-id بالاضافة لـ api-key الخاص بالعميل ويتم ارفاق هذه المعلومات ال الهيدر في الايندبوينت الخاص بالمستخدمين. هذه الخدمة ليست جاهزة في الواجهات الامامية حاليا فقط تم تجهيزها من الباك ايند لكنني اضفت مثالين يوضحا كيفية عمل الخدمة. أحدهما chatbot يقوم بالرد على استفيارات مبادرة وهي متوفرة حاليا على الموقع. استحدمت في الباك ايند (Django) وفي الفرنت ايند (Nuxtjs) وقمت برفع المشروع على سيرفر شخصي ليمكنكم الاطلاع: الموقع في نسخة تجريبية ولم يتم اطلاقه بعد لانه يحتاج للكثير من العمل ليصبح متاح للعامة.

GPT-3OpenAI gym

Exoplanet Hunters

Welcome to Exoplanets Hunter, where the wonders of the universe come alive through your data. Transform your input into a simulated exoplanet, complete with a habitability percentage based on the latest feeds from a live server. We pride ourselves on sourcing confirmed exoplanet data from well-known and reliable resources, ensuring the utmost accuracy in your cosmic exploration. Our website bridges the gap between enthusiasts and the vast field of exoplanet studies. By providing an intuitive platform, we aim to make the analysis of these distant worlds accessible to everyone. The simulated planets generated on our site offer users a tangible connection to the celestial bodies discovered beyond our solar system. The real-time updates from our connected live server keep you in the loop with the latest findings in exoplanet research. This commitment to up-to-date information enhances the accuracy of your simulated exoplanet's habitability assessment. At Exoplanets Hunter, we're fueled by the curiosity to uncover the mysteries of the cosmos. Our overarching goal is to democratize the study of exoplanets, inviting users of all backgrounds to engage in the thrilling pursuit of understanding these distant worlds. Who knows, among the countless simulated exoplanets, we might just stumble upon signs of extraterrestrial life. Join us in the exploration of the unknown, where each simulated exoplanet brings us one step closer to unraveling the secrets of the universe.



Our website is a gateway to the fascinating world of the moons in our solar system. We're on a mission to make the wealth of information about these celestial companions accessible, enjoyable, and visually captivating. Here's what you can expect from us: Comprehensive Lunar Knowledge: Our website is a repository of data, images, and insights about over 200 moons in our solar system. No more need to scour various sources; everything is neatly organized in one place. User-Friendly Interface: We believe in making exploration easy. Our user-friendly design ensures you can navigate the vast universe of lunar information with ease. Visual Allure: We understand the importance of aesthetics. Beautiful designs and captivating visuals will enhance your lunar journey, ensuring that learning about these celestial wonders is as enjoyable as it is informative. Educational Content: Whether you're a novice or a seasoned space enthusiast, our website offers a variety of educational resources, from articles to interactive tools. We cater to diverse interests and knowledge levels. Regular Updates: The cosmos is in constant motion, and our website keeps pace. We're committed to providing the latest discoveries and findings about the solar system's moons. Our aim is to kindle your curiosity and ignite your sense of wonder about the moons that orbit planets, dwarf planets, and asteroids in our solar system. Whether you seek stunning images, scientific insights, or an engaging learning experience, we're here to facilitate your cosmic exploration. Join us on this celestial journey, and together, let's uncover the mysteries and beauty of the moons in our remarkable solar system.

Space Conquerors


Senture: A Sensory Adventure for All Goal: To make video games accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities. Senture is a new immersive adventure game where a visually impaired science student becomes a hero with the aid of AI and cutting-edge technologies. Players experience the world through multiple dimensions with a unique sensory component, utilizing assistive devices, interactive AI companions, and an AI guide to overcome challenges and unravel mysteries. Senture uses AI to create an accessible and inclusive gaming experience for all: Text-to-3D technology creates characters and environments. Text-to-speech technology allows players with visual impairments to play and enjoy the game. AI-powered NPCs have conversations with the player, answer their questions, and help them overcome challenges. AI-powered script editing allows players to create and edit custom scripts. More than just a game, Senture is a platform for promoting accessibility and inclusivity in the gaming industry. It showcases user-friendly technologies and inspires players to embrace the future. Additional Goals: Raise awareness of AI technology and the experiences of blind people. Educate players about the importance of accessibility and inclusion. Inspire players to become changemakers and work to create a more equitable and inclusive society. Senture is a truly innovative game with the potential to make a real impact on the world. By providing an accessible and inclusive gaming experience for all, Senture is helping to create a more equitable and inclusive future for everyone. Solutions: Applying AI tools to make video games more accessible to people with disabilities.

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ProjectAI Teammate

"ProjectAI Teammate is not just a project management tool; it's your intelligent partner in achieving project excellence. Powered by cutting-edge artificial intelligence, it revolutionizes teamwork by offering a comprehensive suite of features designed to collaboration, optimize resource allocation, and provide data-driven insights. At its core, ProjectAI Teammate is your project's best friend. It utilizes advanced AI algorithms to intelligently allocate tasks, matching team members' skills and availability with project requirements. Say goodbye to manual task assignments and resource conflicts. With it, your team's workload is optimized for efficiency. Planning and scheduling have never been easier. Our AI-driven predictive scheduling feature anticipates potential , helping you proactively manage resources and deadlines. It takes into account historical project data, team performance, and external factors to provide accurate timelines, ensuring you stay on track. ProjectAI Teammate offers real-time collaboration features that empower your team to work seamlessly together. From instant messaging and file sharing to collaborative document editing, communication is effortless. Plus, the integrated video conferencing and screen-sharing capabilities make virtual meetings as productive as face-to-face ones. Data is the backbone of informed decision-making, and ProjectAI Teammate is your data guru. It collects and analyzes project data, providing you with actionable insights and performance metrics. Identify trends, spot opportunities for improvement, and make informed decisions to drive project success. In summary, ProjectAI Teammate is the ultimate teamwork project management tool powered by the latest in AI technology. It's more than just software; it's a dedicated team member that enhances productivity, optimizes resource allocation, and provides the insights you need to make informed decisions. With ProjectAI Teammate, your projects are destined for success."

ProjectAI Teammate
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GPT-3GPT-4ChatGPTAI21 Labs


In today's increasingly digitized world, seamless interaction with personal computing devices is crucial for efficiency and productivity. However, a significant segment of the population faces substantial barriers in accessing and utilizing these essential tools due to physical disabilities or special needs. These barriers range from the inability to operate a keyboard due to conditions such as paralysis, broken limbs, or other motor impairments, to cognitive challenges that complicate the use of standard interfaces. This disparity not only hampers individual progress but also represents a broader societal failure to include all individuals in the digital revolution. Our startup, twinzadm, aims to bridge this accessibility gap by offering an innovative voice assistant tailored for PC users with special needs and physical disabilities. Leveraging advanced voice recognition and natural language processing technologies, twinzadm provides a hands-free, intuitive solution for tasks such as opening and closing installed programs, as well as conducting searches on platforms like Google, YouTube, and ChatGPT. Upon its first initialization, twinzadm scans the user's device to create a customized profile of available applications, thus allowing for a more personalized user experience. By transforming auditory input into actionable text commands, and vice versa, twinzadm offers a two-fold communication model. This dual nature ensures not only that the commands are executed effectively but also that the user receives understandable and audible feedback, closing the loop of interaction. In summary, twinzadm tackles the pressing issue of digital accessibility, enabling a marginalized segment of the population to participate more fully in today's technology-driven society. Our solution addresses the complex challenges of adapting human-computer interaction to the diverse needs of users, thereby elevating the standard of inclusive technology.



The implementation of a Telehealth application in a hospital setting, designed to assist in writing medical reports and addressing various healthcare challenges, offers a promising solution to improve overall efficiency and patient care.One of the key issues in many hospitals is the shortage of time that doctors have for conducting thorough patient diagnoses. The chatbot application can alleviate this problem by swiftly converting patient records into comprehensive medical reports. This not only saves time but also ensures that medical documentation is accurate and standardized, reducing the risk of errors in patient care.Patient waiting times are another critical concern in healthcare. By automating the report generation process, the chatbot can expedite patient care and reduce the time patients spend waiting to receive a diagnosis or treatment. This can lead to a more positive patient experience and improved patient outcomes.Falsified medical cases can have severe consequences, including legal and ethical implications. The chatbot's ability to generate accurate health reports helps maintain the integrity of medical records, making it more challenging for falsification to occur. This can enhance trust between patients, healthcare providers, and regulatory authorities.Ultimately, the integration of a chatbot application in healthcare facilities, whether private or government-owned, has the potential to increase the number of patients treated while maintaining or even improving the quality of care. By addressing issues related to time constraints, waiting times, and medical record accuracy, the healthcare system can become more efficient, accessible, and patient-centered, contributing to better overall public health.


My Way

In a world defined by rapid change and ceaseless demands, countless individuals grapple with a universal challenge: crafting clear goals and actionable plans to actualize their dreams. This often leads to a sense of aimlessness and waning motivation in their personal growth pursuits. Enter "My Way" – an AI-Powered Goal Roadmapper poised to revolutionize personal development. This innovative platform is built on the premise that advanced AI can empower individuals to transcend limitations and personalize their journey toward success. At its core, "My Way" addresses two pivotal aspects: goal-setting and navigation of obstacles. By harnessing AI's analytical capabilities, the platform delves into users' unique attributes, strengths, and weaknesses to craft bespoke goal roadmaps. These adaptive guides not only offer direction but evolve as users make progress and face challenges. However, "My Way" goes beyond automated strategies. It empowers users to actively engage in their growth journey, providing not just answers, but tools to overcome modern distractions, stay motivated, and regain a sense of ownership over their success. Central to this concept is the belief in individuals' boundless potential. "My Way" aims to catalyze greatness, serving as a guide, a strategist, and an advocate. It lights the way forward, equips users to surmount obstacles strategically, and echoes the sentiment of claiming one's path – in the spirit of Frank Sinatra's "My Way." In summary, "My Way" heralds a new era in personal development. By harnessing AI's capabilities, we strive to empower individuals to discover their unique paths, overcome challenges with finesse, and boldly declare that their journey was truly "My Way."

Ai crafters
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VercelGPT-3ChatGPTGPT-4OpenAI gym


"In today's digital age, Katatib stands at the forefront of educational innovation with "Miki," a trailblazing chatbot meticulously crafted for the Saudi curriculum. As classrooms grow in number and complexity, students often face challenges in obtaining immediate, in-depth answers to their curriculum-based queries. Miki emerges as the go-to solution, available to students 24/7. Targeting educators and students from intermediate to higher educational stages in Saudi Arabia, Miki promises a learning experience unlike any other. But how exactly does Miki function? Upon accessing Miki, users simply select their educational stage, subject of interest, and if they wish, the voice of their own teacher. Leveraging advanced AI algorithms, Miki then sifts through vast repositories of the Saudi curriculum to deliver precise, relevant answers. But its prowess doesn't end there. Miki actively engages students in discussions, probing further and offering clarifications, much like a personal tutor would. The ability to emulate the comforting and familiar tones of their educators makes these interactions even more enriching. What truly differentiates Miki is its blend of cutting-edge tech with the essence of human teaching. Instead of serving as a mere answer machine, Miki learns, adapts, and interacts, ensuring that students receive a comprehensive understanding of their subjects. The result is a seamless amalgamation of traditional teaching with digital innovation, offering students not just answers, but a holistic, interactive, and enriching academic dialogue whenever they desire."


Doctor Helping Services -DHS

Introducing our AI DHS (Doctor Helping Services), a sophisticated chatbot designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of medical practitioners in accessing patient data. This cutting-edge technology enables users, specifically doctors and physicians, to seamlessly upload patient information into the AI system, which subsequently analyzes and organizes the data. When a user poses a query to the chatbot, it retrieves relevant information from the uploaded patient records and provides a prompt response. Consider the demanding schedule of a typical doctor, who sees approximately seven patients per day, resulting in 49 patients in a week and around 210 patients in a month. Each patient's file contains a wealth of essential information, such as age and medical condition. The sheer volume of data can make it exceedingly challenging for the doctor to recall specific details without extensive manual searching through records or reports. This is where our AI solution steps in. Our AI, built upon the foundation of GPT-3, offers an invaluable solution. Medical professionals can simply input a patient's name and pose queries to the chatbot, such as "What is the severity of John Smith's illness?" or "When was John Smith's last check-up, and what were the corresponding laboratory results?" This streamlined approach to accessing patient information not only saves time but also enhances the overall quality of patient care. While our AI is built on a version of GPT with token limitations, it remains dedicated to its intended purpose: assisting healthcare providers in efficiently managing patient data and facilitating informed medical decisions.

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Step into the extraordinary world of Kurio, where learning and entertainment converge to create an immersive experience like no other. Kurio is not just an app; it's a dynamic platform designed exclusively for young minds, offering a seamless blend of educational exploration and delightful entertainment. In a landscape saturated with digital content, Kurio stands out as a beacon of innovation, catering to the youngest learners' insatiable thirst for knowledge and imagination. With interactive stories that bring narratives to life, educational games that transform learning into play, and a treasure trove of captivating experiences, Kurio is redefining how children engage with technology. We recognize that today's youngsters deserve more than just passive consumption. Kurio empowers them to actively participate in their own learning journey, sparking curiosity, nurturing creativity, and fostering a lifelong love for learning. As parents, educators, and guardians, you can trust Kurio to provide a safe, enriching environment that captures young hearts and minds while aligning with your values. Whether it's embarking on a virtual adventure, unraveling the mysteries of science, or simply enjoying quality entertainment with an educational twist, Kurio opens the door to endless possibilities. Join us in shaping the future of young learners as we proudly introduce Kurio, the app that paves the way for joyful learning, imaginative exploration, and transformative experiences.

GPT-3Stable Diffusion


Welcome to our tech news article recommendation website! We believe that you should choose our website because we offer a unique and personalized experience for all of our users. Here are just a few reasons why you should give us a try: 1-Personalization: Our website uses advanced algorithms to recommend tech news articles that are tailored to your interests. We take into account your reading history, search history, and other factors to deliver the most relevant and interesting articles to you. 2-Diverse Content: Our website offers a wide range of news articles from different sources and on different topics. We believe that it's important to provide our users with a diverse range of perspectives and viewpoints, so you can make informed decisions and stay up to date on the latest news and events. 3-Easy to Use: Our website is designed with user experience in mind. It's easy to navigate and find the articles you're interested in, and our recommendation engine does the heavy lifting for you. 4-Timesaving: With so many tech news articles out there, it can be overwhelming to try to keep up with everything. Our website makes it easy to stay informed without having to spend hours scouring the internet for the latest news. 5-Ad-Free: We believe that news should be accessible to everyone, without the interference of ads. That's why our website is completely ad-free, so you can focus on reading and learning without any distractions. Stay informed and engaged with our comprehensive news article recommendations, available to you anytime, anywhere.

Legend Team
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DoctorGPT هو تطبيقنا الأول. تطبيق مماثل لـ ChatGPT باللغة العربية ومخصص لتقييم وتشخيص حالة المريض. يقوم الذكاء الاصطناعي بوضع الأسئلة المناسبة لحالة الشخص الذي يكلمه حتى يفهم حالة الشخص ويقوم بإعطائه النصائح أو تصوير الحالة ويقوم المريض بإرسالها لتفسير المرض عن طريق الذكاء الاصطناعي. رسالتنا مواكبة رؤية 2030 وتحول القطاع الصحي لضمان استمرار تطوير خدمات الرعاية الصحية في المملكة وتركيز الجهود في هذا القطاع الهام. مشكلتنا مع تطور القطاع الصحي أصبحت التقنية هي أساس كل منظمة صحية ولكن مع تأخر المستشفيات في التحول الصحي اصبحوا الناس يجهلون في كيفية استعمال التطبيقات الصحية وكيفية استغلالها لعلاجهم بأفضل طريقة ممكنة عن طريق المنزل. قصتنا محمد مصاب بالقولون اصبح محمد يومياً يبحث عن الاعراض التي تصيبه في اليوم الواحد عن طريق قوقل لكن محمد هنا لايوجد لديه أي وعي في كيفية استخدام الانترنت فيقوم بتصديق أي كلام يبحث عنه لدرجة أنه يوهم بنفسه بأنه مصاب بالسرطان. فكرتنا تطبيق مماثل للـ ChatGPT باللغة العربية ومخصص لتقييم وتشخيص حالة المريض وهُنا الـ AI يقوم بوضع الاسئلة المناسبة لحالة الشخص الذي يكلمه إلى أن يفهم حالة الشخص ويقوم بإعطائه النصائح أو تصوير الحالة ويقوم المريض بإرسالها لتفسير المرض عن طريق الـ AI. اهدافنا - تحويل النص الى صور توضيحية والعكس. - يكتشف ما اذا كانت الأعراض غريبة ويقوم بإعطاء الشخص أي انذار للذهاب الى المستشفى. - يقوم بقراءة أي تحاليل من المختبر بلغة مفهومة لإفادة المريض. - يقوم بمناقشة المرضى عن أي دواء أو تشخيص لإفادتهم. - تذكير المرضى بأخذ الدواء بنظام الـ Alert. طموحنا يكون تطبيقنا مربوط مع تطبيق صحتي لخدمة جميع المرضى بجميع الفئات العمرية.


World needs Talents

Scouting New Talents in Football Based on Stats Football is a global sport with a huge fan base. Every year, millions of young athletes dream of playing professional football. However, only a small percentage of these athletes will ever make it to the pros One of the biggest challenges for young athletes is getting noticed by scouts. Scouts are constantly looking for new talent, but they can only watch so many games. This means that many talented athletes are overlooked. Our project uses data science to identify and scout new talents in football. We collect data on a player's stats, such as passing accuracy, rushing yards, and tackles. We then use this data to create a player profile that identifies their strengths and weaknesses We also use this data to predict a player's potential value to a team. Our project has the potential to revolutionize the way that football is scouted. By using data science, we can identify new talents that would have otherwise been overlooked. This could lead to more competitive and exciting football leagues, and give more athletes the opportunity to reach their full potential. Business model: To sell our data to clubs that want to know the strength and weaknesses for each player in Thier team And the clubs in higher league that want to find talents that performs like a professional one without costing them much money And the clubs in a lower leagues that wants to market their players and their talents to the other clubs and league Finally the individual players that has no team that want to market his talent to the world and make it seen Our customers Clubs , coaches, academy , players

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Leaf Link

The concept "Leaf Link" is a smartphone application aimed for average individuals who want to manage their plant growth as well as farmers with small farms. This concept was chosen because of the belief in the importance of plant growth, a modest action with a large impact on the environment. The purpose is to minimize large costs associated with moving commodities from farms to villages and vice versa, as well as the extensive use of chemicals to preserve goods in excellent condition to trick consumers into purchasing items! People no longer need to buy processed, semi-healthy fruits and vegetables, nor do farmers need to pay additional fees to employ specialists to detect farm issues and what needs to be done to prevent them from occurring. The application will solve the majority of concerns; the user will be able to add as many plants as they require and have them shown in the main interface along with their photographs to make the selection process easier. The user will also have a planner page to plan what tasks for each of the plants with the desired day and time and an automatic reminder for that, adding the tasks is done by selection, user does not need to add it by hand, just must select plant and tasks, date, and time. Furthermore, there is a statistics page for each individual plant that gives plant information and plant care, which includes watering information period, natural light which takes external information about area's weather and overall environment, as well as toxicity rate if any. Finally, there is a page for recognizing unknown plants. This is done by capturing an image of the plant, which requires access to a camera, and the program will display the plant name and scientific name to the user, as well as information about the plant if the user is interested.

Leaf Link

My Way

In a world defined by rapid change and ceaseless demands, countless individuals grapple with a universal challenge: crafting clear goals and actionable plans to actualize their dreams. This often leads to a sense of aimlessness and waning motivation in their personal growth pursuits. Enter "My Way" – an AI-Powered Goal Roadmapper poised to revolutionize personal development. This innovative platform is built on the premise that advanced AI can empower individuals to transcend limitations and personalize their journey toward success. At its core, "My Way" addresses two pivotal aspects: goal-setting and navigation of obstacles. By harnessing AI's analytical capabilities, the platform delves into users' unique attributes, strengths, and weaknesses to craft bespoke goal roadmaps. These adaptive guides not only offer direction but evolve as users make progress and face challenges. However, "My Way" goes beyond automated strategies. It empowers users to actively engage in their growth journey, providing not just answers, but tools to overcome modern distractions, stay motivated, and regain a sense of ownership over their success. Central to this concept is the belief in individuals' boundless potential. "My Way" aims to catalyze greatness, serving as a guide, a strategist, and an advocate. It lights the way forward, equips users to surmount obstacles strategically, and echoes the sentiment of claiming one's path – in the spirit of Frank Sinatra's "My Way." In summary, "My Way" heralds a new era in personal development. By harnessing AI's capabilities, we strive to empower individuals to discover their unique paths, overcome challenges with finesse, and boldly declare that their journey was truly "My Way."

Moroccan Ai crafter
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Tired of struggling to turn long audio recordings into written text? Look no further! Soma is here to solve that problem. With Soma, you can easily convert audio to text and even translate it into different languages. But there's more! Soma can summarize the audio's content and offer a chat AI where you can ask questions about the audio. And know let’s see our Product Demo: Why Summa is good investment? Summa is good investment because the market size that Summa targets it is huge. Because Summa focus in two groups first group: English speakers, who are around 1.35 billion people worldwide, and second Arabic speakers, who are about 480 million people. If we can get just 5% of each language group to use our app, that's approximately 67.5 million English users and 24 million Arabic users. That's could make us have a total of 91.5 million potential users! The demand for Summa's services is massive. Okay Now, let's discuss about the business model. We use a subscription method. We offer three plans: Starter Plan (free), Premium Plan, and Ultimate Plan. You can pause the video to see the details of each plan and what they provide. It's a simple and straightforward way to access our app's features. Our team consists of four individuals, each with a lot of knowledge in their specific field. We are confident that our team's skills will drive Soma to achieve great success in the audio conversion and translation industry. Invest in Soma today and join us on this incredible journey to revolutionize audio conversion and translation. With our wide reach, attractive business model, and talented team, Soma is poised for remarkable achievements. Thank you for considering Soma, and we hope you have a fantastic day!


Hakeim Mind

Hakeim Mind is an innovative and advanced AI-powered mindmap generation tool designed specifically to assist medical students in organizing and effectively retaining complex information. By automating the creation of visual maps, this cutting-edge tool revolutionizes the way medical students approach their studies. With Hakeim Mind, medical students can say goodbye to the time-consuming and tedious task of manually creating mindmaps. Instead, they can rely on this intelligent tool to generate visually appealing and comprehensive mindmaps effortlessly. By doing so, Hakeim Mind empowers students to focus their time and energy on understanding and internalizing the intricate details of medical concepts rather than getting lost in the process of organizing their notes. One of the key advantages of Hakeim Mind is its ability to handle the vast and intricate web of medical knowledge. Medical students often encounter complex subjects and interrelated topics that can be challenging to navigate. Hakeim Mind simplifies this process by automatically connecting related information, ensuring that all crucial aspects of a topic are properly represented in the mindmap. This comprehensive and interconnected visualization not only aids in better understanding but also enhances knowledge retention. Furthermore, Hakeim Mind offers a wide range of customization options, allowing medical students to personalize their mindmaps according to their unique learning preferences. Users can easily modify the appearance, structure, and color schemes of their mindmaps, making them visually appealing and tailored to their individual needs. This flexibility ensures that students can create mindmaps that resonate with their learning style, ultimately enhancing their engagement and comprehension.


Noor an Intelligent chatbot

Noor is an exceptional and highly advanced intelligent chatbot designed to revolutionize the way businesses interact with their customers. With its cutting-edge technology and powerful capabilities, Noor has the unique ability to understand and interpret the context of your business, enabling it to provide a truly personalized and engaging dialogue experience for your customers. What sets Noor apart is its deep learning algorithms and natural language processing capabilities. It can comprehend and interpret customer queries with remarkable accuracy, making conversations with Noor feel seamless and natural. By understanding the context and intent behind the customer's messages, Noor can provide relevant and insightful responses, ensuring a positive and satisfying experience for your customers. Noor is more than just a chatbot—it's a trusted virtual assistant that can handle a wide range of customer interactions. From providing real-time support on your website to assisting customers on social media platforms, Noor seamlessly integrates with multiple communication channels, allowing customers to engage with your business in their preferred way. Moreover, Noor's versatility extends beyond customer support. It can be integrated into your sales and marketing strategies, helping to generate leads, qualify prospects, and even assist in product recommendations. With Noor, the future of customer engagement is here. Empower your business with an intelligent chatbot that goes beyond mere automation, providing a truly personalized and human-like interaction for your customers. Experience the power of Noor and unlock a new level of customer satisfaction and business success.



The engine would provide a fully detailed study plan, simple explanations of complex concepts, questions to test understanding, and a summary and revision plan. Project Scope: The project will involve the following tasks: Data Collection: We will collect a large dataset of academic papers and textbooks. This dataset will be used to train the AI engine. AI Engine Training: We will train the AI engine on the collected dataset. The engine will learn to understand the different concepts and subtopics within a given academic topic. User Interface Development: We will develop a user interface for the AI engine. This interface will allow students to interact with the engine and generate study plans, explanations, questions, and summaries. Testing and Improvement: We will test the AI engine and make improvements as needed. We will also gather feedback from students to ensure that the engine is meeting their needs. Project Benefits: The benefits of this project include: - Increased student success: The AI engine can help students to study more effectively and efficiently. This can lead to increased student success in their academic coursework. Improved student understanding: The AI engine can help students to understand complex concepts more deeply. This can lead to improved student learning outcomes. Reduced student stress: The AI engine can help students to feel more confident and prepared for their studies. This can lead to reduced student stress levels. Project Team: The project team will consist of the following members:

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Legal Research

our Guide to Efficient Access of Legislation and Legal Systems In today's fast-paced legal landscape, staying up-to-date with the latest legislation and legal information is vital for legal professionals and researchers. To meet this need, the Legal Researcher is here to revolutionize the way you access legal systems and retrieve up-to-date information quickly and efficiently. Powered by cutting-edge LangChain technology, this innovative tool provides instant access to reliable sources as soon as new information is released. The Legal Researcher leverages the power of LangChain technology, a state-of-the-art language processing system, to efficiently scan through vast amounts of legal data. This technology combines natural language understanding and machine learning algorithms to extract relevant information from legal documents, enabling you to find what you need without the hassle of manually sifting through endless pages of legislation. One of the key advantages of the Legal Researcher is its ability to retrieve up-to-date information. It continuously monitors reliable sources, such as legislative databases, government websites, and legal publications, to ensure that you have access to the latest amendments, regulations, and case law. Gone are the days of relying on outdated printed materials or waiting for periodic updates. With the Legal Researcher, you can access the most recent legal information at your fingertips, saving you valuable time and effort.



EduAI: Revolutionizing Education with AI EduAI is an innovative AI-powered application that transforms the educational landscape by empowering teachers and engaging students in a personalized learning journey. With the help of advanced conversational AI, EduAI provides a unique platform for teachers to supervise student progress and deliver tailored homework assignments, while enabling students to receive targeted assistance and practice. Empowering Teachers: The Teacher Bot, an intelligent virtual assistant, acts as a companion to teachers. It employs targeted questioning techniques to assess student levels and gain insights into their strengths and weaknesses. Armed with this knowledge, teachers can adapt their teaching strategies and create customized homework assignments that challenge and inspire students. EduAI's conversation history feature allows teachers to review and analyze past interactions with students. This comprehensive record provides valuable insights, helping teachers track progress, identify recurring difficulties, and make data-driven decisions to enhance their teaching methods. Engaging Students: The Student Bot is designed to support students in their learning journey. It engages in interactive conversations, providing assistance and practice opportunities on challenging topics. By receiving instant feedback and guidance, students can strengthen their understanding, build confidence, and achieve better academic performance. EduAI's user-friendly web interface creates an immersive learning experience. Its visually appealing design encourages active participation and motivates students to explore subjects with curiosity and enthusiasm. Real-time feedback allows students to monitor their progress and celebrate their achievements.


Hakeim Mind

Hakeim Mind is an innovative and advanced AI-powered mindmap generation tool designed specifically to assist medical students in organizing and effectively retaining complex information. By automating the creation of visual maps, this cutting-edge tool revolutionizes the way medical students approach their studies. With Hakeim Mind, medical students can say goodbye to the time-consuming and tedious task of manually creating mindmaps. Instead, they can rely on this intelligent tool to generate visually appealing and comprehensive mindmaps effortlessly. By doing so, Hakeim Mind empowers students to focus their time and energy on understanding and internalizing the intricate details of medical concepts rather than getting lost in the process of organizing their notes. One of the key advantages of Hakeim Mind is its ability to handle the vast and intricate web of medical knowledge. Medical students often encounter complex subjects and interrelated topics that can be challenging to navigate. Hakeim Mind simplifies this process by automatically connecting related information, ensuring that all crucial aspects of a topic are properly represented in the mindmap. This comprehensive and interconnected visualization not only aids in better understanding but also enhances knowledge retention. Furthermore, Hakeim Mind offers a wide range of customization options, allowing medical students to personalize their mindmaps according to their unique learning preferences. Users can easily modify the appearance, structure, and color schemes of their mindmaps, making them visually appealing and tailored to their individual needs. This flexibility ensures that students can create mindmaps that resonate with their learning style, ultimately enhancing their engagement and comprehension.



The assistance model is an innovative system designed to provide customized and personalized training materials for individuals based on their job-based and background-based needs. Developed using cutting-edge technologies such as OpenAI API, CSS, HTML5, and Javascript, this system offers a unique and effective way to assist users in developing and improving their skills and knowledge in their respective fields. With the help of the OpenAI API, the system is capable of analyzing and understanding the user's requirements, allowing it to generate personalized training materials that are tailored to their specific needs. These materials are visually appealing and interactive, thanks to the use of CSS and HTML5 technologies, and include text, images, videos, and other multimedia elements that provide a rich learning experience. Javascript is used to add interactivity and functionality to the training materials, enabling the system to create quizzes, assessments, and interactive simulations that help users practice and apply their skills. These features make the training materials engaging, effective, and enjoyable for users to learn from. Overall, the assistance model is a powerful tool for individuals who want to enhance their skills and knowledge in their respective fields. By leveraging advanced technologies, this system provides personalized and engaging training materials that are tailored to the user's needs, making it an effective way to achieve their goals.