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AgriChat is an agriculture expert, focused on achieving sustainable and productive agriculture. works closely with farmers, researchers, and policymakers to develop and promote effective agricultural practices that optimize crop yields while minimizing environmental impacts. AgriChat expertise includes soil science, crop management, irrigation systems, and pest management. Also collaborate with industry partners to introduce innovative technologies and tools that enhance agricultural productivity. AgriChat involves conducting research and field trials to evaluate the effectiveness of different agricultural techniques, analyzing data to identify trends and opportunities for improvement, and developing recommendations for farmers and policymakers. Also provide training and technical assistance to farmers to help them adopt best practices and improve their production capabilities. In addition, AgriChat work to raise awareness about the importance of sustainable agriculture and its role in addressing global challenges such as food security, climate change, and environmental degradation. Engage with local communities to promote agricultural practices that are tailored to local conditions and needs. Ultimately, AgriChat aims to improve the livelihoods of farmers and their communities while protecting the environment for future generations. Through collaborative efforts and the adoption of sustainable practices, we believe that we can achieve a food-secure future that is good for people, planet, and prosperity.

GANLangChainCohere Neural SearchBERT


Introducing DemandGuru, a revolutionary restaurant demand forecast app poised to revolutionize operational management in the dynamic realm of the restaurant industry. This comprehensive application seamlessly integrates cutting-edge technology with a user-friendly interface, providing restaurateurs with unparalleled insights for resource optimization, waste reduction, and enhanced efficiency. DemandGuru employs advanced predictive analytics algorithms to scrutinize historical data, including seasonality, day of the week, holidays, and local events, enabling precise forecasting of future demand. The user-friendly interface offers intuitive access to comprehensive forecasts, graphs, and reports, empowering restaurant owners to make informed decisions swiftly. Acknowledging diverse needs, the app allows robust customization, fine-tuning accuracy. Real-time updates and alerts keep pace with industry dynamics, facilitating quick adjustments to staffing, menu offerings, and inventory based on unexpected demand changes. Cost optimization is a key benefit, minimizing overstock, reducing food waste, and streamlining staffing levels for improved profit margins. In conclusion, DemandGuru heralds a new era in restaurant management, empowering establishments to thrive in a competitive industry through data-driven decisions. Embrace the future of restaurant management with DemandGuru, where precision meets innovation, transforming operations and profitability.

Stat Squad
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AWS SageMaker


Mirah (Arabic for food supply) is basically an HR-food-art tech. It's a revolutionary service that was designed from day 1 with employees in mind. Building this wasn't possible before the spectacular rise of LLMs and Open AI's GPT that has made the equation of opportunity vs time vs technical capability vs geography now in favor of creating something like this more than ever. With Saudi Arabia's marvelous transformation to a business hub, and with the catering industry already the biggest in the world and mature enough, all starts are aligned for out rocket launch. Mirah hyper-customizes the employees' well-being journey. We dream that every customer will never feel anxious again about when to eat or when to delay a certain task until his order arrives. One thing in common with the world's biggest startups; they all have a 24 hours ready kitchen. A simple hack that actually compensates for many hours lost in productivity. A non anxious employee about food is 30 to 50% more productive. The busy executive who has long meetings and craves sugars and carbs because "there is nothing else" and harms himself can now rely on Mirah to provide him with healthy snacks that's automatically delivered to his office just before the meeting. The Manager who wants to pamper his teammates and don't know where to start can now rely on Mirah’s wellness program to better their health and eating experience. The mother who is late & doesn't know what to cook for her little child can rely on Mirah to get an emergency package of a healthy made food that is safe for her child. The Diabetic colleague who struggles to order food with his friends can now scan a QR code and the mirah waiter will give him his specially made food that's using a healthy sweetener. There are tens of use cases, and hundreds of stories that are hiding behind a simple need called "Food". It wasn't simple at all to customize the eating experience, but now I believe that it's more possible that it will ever be.

OpenAI gym

Esay stay

Our advanced AI-powered voice recognition technology revolutionizes the guest experience by seamlessly integrating with the hotel's self-service system. Through natural language processing and understanding, the system accurately interprets spoken commands and inquiries, allowing guests to effortlessly navigate and interact with the system. With personalized responses and intelligent assistance, the technology creates a human-like conversation, enhancing customer satisfaction and streamlining operations. This innovative solution represents a significant leap forward in harnessing AI for improved user experiences in the hospitality industry. useing : In this project, there are several concepts and technologies related to artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) that are being utilized. Here are the key ones: Speech Recognition: The project uses the speech_recognition library to convert spoken language into text. This involves using machine learning algorithms to analyze and recognize speech patterns. Text-to-Speech: The pyttsx3 library is employed for converting text into spoken language. This technology utilizes ML techniques to generate human-like speech. Clipboard Manipulation: The pyperclip library is used to access and modify the contents of the clipboard. Although not directly related to AI/ML, it facilitates the integration of text responses into the system. GUI Development: The project utilizes the tkinter library, which is a standard Python library for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs). It allows for the creation of windows, labels, buttons, and other GUI elements. Natural Language Processing (NLP): The project leverages NLP techniques to process and understand user commands. It uses predefined keywords and phrases to trigger specific actions, such as placing a food order or booking a room.



Our project is centered around a straightforward chatbot designed to offer tailored suggestions to users based on their input. For instance, if a user asks for meal ideas with low calories and minimal carbs (less than 10 grams), our chatbot swiftly generates relevant recommendations from the database. Or maybe if a user asks for a seafood meal. These suggestions align precisely with the user's specified criteria. By analyzing the user's message, the chatbot identifies keywords like "calories" and "carbs," extracting the constraints provided by the user. It then filters the database to retrieve suitable meal options that match these constraints. This approach ensures that the chatbot's responses are closely aligned with the user's preferences, providing a personalized experience. To enhance user engagement and convenience, the chatbot doesn't stop at just providing options. It takes the experience a step further by offering direct order links. This means that users can swiftly access the ordering process for their chosen meals. This interactive approach not only streamlines the decision-making process but also creates a seamless and efficient user experience. In essence, our project focuses on creating a straightforward and effective chatbot. It understands user requests, tailors responses accordingly, showcases appropriate choices, and then empowers users to take immediate action through order links. This approach enhances user satisfaction by delivering both relevant suggestions and practical means to act on those suggestions quickly.

Cohere GenerateLangChain

Your qareen

With Macs and iPhones, Apple democratised access to computation and digital tools. We at hope to do the same for AI. As tradition goes, we all have a qareen: a constant companion, invisible to us, but working against us, unless it has been tamed. We at will give you tools to tame your qareen(s) in the digital life. At, you will find your first qareen waiting for you. You could train it to do trivial things like setting reminders, or more sensitive things like mediating your conversations with people. Let your qareen read and respond to your incoming chats! Let your qareen help you prepare with roleplaying before a difficult conversation with someone, or vice versa! Your qareen is available in the dedicated on all platforms, but you may get in touch with it via your favorite chat apps, your popular social media, even via a phone call! Your first qareen will be your own AI-based assistant, that you trained yourself. This way it will be infinitely more personal and useful than the generic AI from large corporations. We at, plan to help you train your qareen to do much, much more! What will the training look like? Simple ... Chatting!!! We will of course provide you realtime feedback and guidance when you use, but it will all only depend on how well you can describe what you want your qareen to do. One last thing ... you can have more than one qareen!!! With the help of, YOU can make as many qareens as you would like for yourself!!! Maybe you have one qareen to help you with your morning meditations, another one to monitor the healthiness of your food, a very personal one to plan and track buying a gift for your parent, a sponsored one from BinDawood for your weekly groceries, or one that you share with your child to develop and read your unique bed-time stories with.

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