Tabeer By Waves
Human feelings are an inherent part of their nature and influence their thinking, behavior, and performance.
Emotions at work have a big impact on how the task turns out. As a result, managers can forecast work results by observing their workforce's attitudes and feelings.
As shown in studies, decision makers tend to base their decisions more on emotion than on logic, therefore controlling emotions and mood at work is crucial for wise choices.
Additionally, they can design and modify the work environment to make it welcome. This will attract top talent, foster loyalty, boost engagement, and foster innovation.
On the other hand, they can foresee and avert future issues, like burnout, disputes, and production drops.
For that, we developed a system called Tabeer that detects facial expressions from photos and videos. It classifies them based on seven basic emotions. These are Angry, Disgust, Fear, Happy, Neutral, Sad, and Surprised.
Tabeer will pick up facial expressions twice during the work, once at the start and at the finish. The system will analyze and classify facial expressions according to emotional categories, store the data, and provide real time statistics on each employee's performance and emotional state. So, managers can take decisions based on the system's results to improve and enhance the workplace.
Our future plans are to improve the system and provide more features like a summary of employees' emotional states and to provide tips based on their emotional states, as well as alarms when the system detects any strange changes in the emotional states of the employees.
• The HR managers in small businesses.
Market size:
• Number of small businesses in KSA x purchases expected in each period = market size.
1,400,000 x 10 (In one year) = 14,000,000
Revenue Stream
• Investors
• Subscriptions: