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Mohamed Aziz Omezine



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Profile rank: lablab No-rank

Next rank: lablab Apprentice


الأحداث التي تم حضورها


التسليمات السابقة


4أعوام الخبرة


👋 Hi, I'm Mohamed Aziz Omezine I am a third-year AI student at Esprit, passionate about exploring the fascinating world of artificial intelligence. With a polyvalent skill set, I thrive on tackling diverse challenges and continuously expanding my knowledge. I enjoy participating in hackathons and recently achieved third place in a machine learning competition. Additionally, I completed a project on deep learning for skin disease classification. 🏆 As the top student in my first and second year, I consistently strive for excellence in my academic pursuits. I am driven by the desire to contribute to the AI field and make a positive impact. Exciting things are on the horizon, and I am eagerly looking forward to the opportunities that lie ahead. Let's connect and embark on this journey together! ✨🤝

ملفات التواصل الاجتماعي

🤝 أفضل المتعاونين

hamaregaya407 img

Mohamed Regaya


I am a student passionated in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning. I have acquired a solid background in mathematics, statistics and programming, and I am able to apply these skills to develop complex data models and machine learning algorithms. I am also able to work in a team and collaborate with professionals from different fields to achieve common goals.

🤓 التقديمات

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    CogniSmile is a groundbreaking project designed to bridge the emotional communication gap for individuals with Down syndrome. Our AI-powered system leverages advanced facial emotion detection technology to empower this unique community with the ability to understand and respond to emotions through facial expressions. By addressing this challenge, we're enabling deeper connections and meaningful interactions, not only within their personal lives but also within educational and healthcare settings. CogniSmile not only offers a technological solution but also represents a path to inclusivity, empathy, and social integration. Join us in fostering a more compassionate world where everyone's emotions are understood and cherished.

👌 الهاكاثونات التي تم حضورها

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    هاكاثون تعزيز الذكاء الاصطناعي: ابتكر مستقبلًا واعدًا

    🗓️الهاكاثون الافتراضي هذا، والذي يمتد لـ 48 ساعة بدءاً من الساعة 6:00 مساءً في ١٠ أغسطس وحتى الساعة 6:00 مساءً في ١٢ أغسطس هو فرصتك للتألق والتفوق. 💻 دعما لإبداعك، قم بتطوير تطبيقات الذكاء الاصطناعي باستخدام أحدث تكنولوجيا AI المتاحة. ✔️ لا داعي للقلق بشأن مستوى الخبرة السابقة. سواء كنت في بداية رحلتك مع الذكاء الاصطناعي أو كنت بالفعل عالم بيانات محترف، أو مصمم او مطور اعمال، فإننا نرحب بك و نقدر مساهمتك. 🐱‍💻 قم بالتسجيل الان مجاناً لنبدأ هذه الرحلة الرائعة معاً!

📝 الشهادات

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    هاكاثون تعزيز الذكاء الاصطناعي: ابتكر مستقبلًا واعدًا | Certificate