Event ended

هاكاثون تعزيز الذكاء الاصطناعي: ابتكر مستقبلًا واعدًا Summary

هاكاثون تعزيز الذكاء الاصطناعي: ابتكر مستقبلًا واعدًا image

Hackathon Overview

Our AI hackathon brought together a diverse group of participants, who collaborated to develop a variety of impressive projects based on:






AI Applications

Winners and Finalists

  • We are in the process of selecting the finalist teams.
  • Your voice matters! Vote on your favorite projects in the section below.
  • Join us for the winner announcement stream, which will be streamed live on Twitch.


`DevAgent is here to help you get twice the work done in half the time! We want to give you **accurate** answers to any programming question straight from the terminal! With our advanced language models, we can understand any programming queries and give you answers straight from the official docs! Yep, that's right, our models grab their information straight from the official docs to gaurantee that any responses they generate are 100% accurate. Your time as a programmer is precious. We want to give you the information you need right when you need it, from the comfort of your CLI. Whether you need help with syntax, algorithm implementation, or code explenations, DevAgent is here to help! We can generate code snippets, explanations, and suggestions to boost your programming experience! Say goodbye to hours spent searching for code examples or debugging issues – DevAgent is your reliable companion in the world of coding.

Refine AI

application badge


CogniSmile is a groundbreaking project designed to bridge the emotional communication gap for individuals with Down syndrome. Our AI-powered system leverages advanced facial emotion detection technology to empower this unique community with the ability to understand and respond to emotions through facial expressions. By addressing this challenge, we're enabling deeper connections and meaningful interactions, not only within their personal lives but also within educational and healthcare settings. CogniSmile not only offers a technological solution but also represents a path to inclusivity, empathy, and social integration. Join us in fostering a more compassionate world where everyone's emotions are understood and cherished.

Meta Minds



Step into the extraordinary world of Kurio, where learning and entertainment converge to create an immersive experience like no other. Kurio is not just an app; it's a dynamic platform designed exclusively for young minds, offering a seamless blend of educational exploration and delightful entertainment. In a landscape saturated with digital content, Kurio stands out as a beacon of innovation, catering to the youngest learners' insatiable thirst for knowledge and imagination. With interactive stories that bring narratives to life, educational games that transform learning into play, and a treasure trove of captivating experiences, Kurio is redefining how children engage with technology. We recognize that today's youngsters deserve more than just passive consumption. Kurio empowers them to actively participate in their own learning journey, sparking curiosity, nurturing creativity, and fostering a lifelong love for learning. As parents, educators, and guardians, you can trust Kurio to provide a safe, enriching environment that captures young hearts and minds while aligning with your values. Whether it's embarking on a virtual adventure, unraveling the mysteries of science, or simply enjoying quality entertainment with an educational twist, Kurio opens the door to endless possibilities. Join us in shaping the future of young learners as we proudly introduce Kurio, the app that paves the way for joyful learning, imaginative exploration, and transformative experiences.


GPT-3Stable Diffusion

Speakers, Mentors, and Organizers

Basem Awad profile picture

Basem Awad

Project Manager

Dimitrije Pešić profile picture

Dimitrije Pešić


Shebagi Mitra profile picture

Shebagi Mitra


    Paulo Almeida profile picture

    Paulo Almeida

    Business Mentor

    Skander Karoui profile picture

    Skander Karoui

      Zubair Zafar profile picture

      Zubair Zafar

      Software Engineer

      Ampas Theodoros profile picture

      Ampas Theodoros

      Co-Founder of Content-Hive

      Samar Alhodaibi profile picture

      Samar Alhodaibi

        Walaa Elghitany profile picture

        Walaa Elghitany

        pediatrician, data scientist

        Asmaa Rashed profile picture

        Asmaa Rashed

        Lecturer, MSc

        Muhammad Inaamullah profile picture

        Muhammad Inaamullah

          Donald Nwokoro profile picture

          Donald Nwokoro

          Backend Developer

          Samar Alhodaibi profile picture

          Samar Alhodaibi

            This event has now ended, but you can still register for upcoming events on lablab.ai. We look forward to seeing you at the next one!

            Checkout Upcoming Events →

            Submitted Concepts, Prototypes and Pitches

            Submissions from the teams participating in the هاكاثون تعزيز الذكاء الاصطناعي: ابتكر مستقبلًا واعدًا event and making it to the end 👊

            Help to spread the word and share these amazing projects!

            Bone Fracture Detection Using X-rays

            Advancing Medical Diagnostics: Bone Fracture Detection Using X-rays In the realm of medical imaging, the utilization of X-rays for diagnosing bone fractures has been an invaluable tool that has revolutionized the field of orthopedics. Bone fractures are a common yet critical medical issue, and their accurate and timely detection is crucial for effective treatment and patient care. Bone fracture detection using X-ray datasets is a remarkable application of artificial intelligence (AI) that has the potential to revolutionize medical diagnosis and treatment planning. This technology leverages the power of machine learning algorithms to assist radiologists and medical professionals in accurately identifying and classifying fractures in X-ray images. It offers several benefits, including improved accuracy, faster diagnosis, and reduced human error. The ongoing research and development in this field aim to enhance the accuracy, efficiency, and accessibility of bone fracture detection using X-rays. Advancements in imaging technology, artificial intelligence, and telemedicine are poised to further improve fracture diagnosis, especially in remote or underserved areas where access to specialized medical care is limited. As these innovations continue to evolve, the medical community moves closer to more effective, precise, and timely detection of bone fractures, ultimately improving patient outcomes and quality of care.



            VAIP System

            An innovative Virtaul AI Patient that utilizes cutting-edge technologies such as AI and the ChatGPT LLM Model. It aims to simulate realistic patient interactions, providing a valuable training platform for medical professionals and enhancing their diagnostic and communication skills. An innovative Virtaul AI Patient that utilizes cutting-edge technologies such as AI and the ChatGPT LLM Model. It aims to simulate realistic patient interactions, providing a valuable training platform for medical professionals and enhancing their diagnostic and communication skills. An innovative Virtaul AI Patient that utilizes cutting-edge technologies such as AI and the ChatGPT LLM Model. It aims to simulate realistic patient interactions, providing a valuable training platform for medical professionals and enhancing their diagnostic and communication skills.




            `DevAgent is here to help you get twice the work done in half the time! We want to give you **accurate** answers to any programming question straight from the terminal! With our advanced language models, we can understand any programming queries and give you answers straight from the official docs! Yep, that's right, our models grab their information straight from the official docs to gaurantee that any responses they generate are 100% accurate. Your time as a programmer is precious. We want to give you the information you need right when you need it, from the comfort of your CLI. Whether you need help with syntax, algorithm implementation, or code explenations, DevAgent is here to help! We can generate code snippets, explanations, and suggestions to boost your programming experience! Say goodbye to hours spent searching for code examples or debugging issues – DevAgent is your reliable companion in the world of coding.

            Refine AI



            we notice and understand that the creation of an RFP in many organizations is very complicated and takes from you a lot of resources and time.. then filtering proposals and making a decision to select the best match vendor profile is another story .. so we offer you the best solution we offer you with great features using OpenAi ... RFPA: Request For Proposal Automation which does all of these for you automating the RFPs creation process, reduce your manual effort, tracking your RFPs and offered proposals, and improve the efficiency of the vendor selection process and more features to come!


            OpenAI gymChatGPT

            Sela Website

            Smart E-health system for patient relations based on artificial intelligence   Our team idea is about creating a health environment that helps patients and improve there experience with E-health system. with using the artificial intelligence on the website that we named it “sela”. Which means “link” or “connect “ in Arabic. We choose this idea because we want to provide a better level of services and reduce the burden on patient relations staff in a way that may achieve 2030 Vision by activating and using artificial intelligence in the health field. The AI type that we used is a bot that identifies patient complaints , inquiries, and ensures that it is communicated to the concerned authorities. Our website has a property that supports people with difficulty as deaf by using the camera which understands sign language to answer them .

            Technical care



            We have developed a web application integrated with an AI model that can detect and classify diseases affecting olive trees in Libya. One of the major challenges we face is the lack of experts in Libya specializing in olive tree diseases and diagnoses. Our application goes beyond disease detection and classification by offering additional features to enhance its functionality. For instance, in the future, farmers will have access to treatment recommendations in addition to disease identification. We also provide useful features designed to assist farmers in their farming activities, along with a data set for storing important crop-related information. It is important to note that while our system serves as a valuable tool for diagnosis, it does not provide a cure. It acts as a hero in identifying pests, functioning as a doctor for olive trees.




            Step into the extraordinary world of Kurio, where learning and entertainment converge to create an immersive experience like no other. Kurio is not just an app; it's a dynamic platform designed exclusively for young minds, offering a seamless blend of educational exploration and delightful entertainment. In a landscape saturated with digital content, Kurio stands out as a beacon of innovation, catering to the youngest learners' insatiable thirst for knowledge and imagination. With interactive stories that bring narratives to life, educational games that transform learning into play, and a treasure trove of captivating experiences, Kurio is redefining how children engage with technology. We recognize that today's youngsters deserve more than just passive consumption. Kurio empowers them to actively participate in their own learning journey, sparking curiosity, nurturing creativity, and fostering a lifelong love for learning. As parents, educators, and guardians, you can trust Kurio to provide a safe, enriching environment that captures young hearts and minds while aligning with your values. Whether it's embarking on a virtual adventure, unraveling the mysteries of science, or simply enjoying quality entertainment with an educational twist, Kurio opens the door to endless possibilities. Join us in shaping the future of young learners as we proudly introduce Kurio, the app that paves the way for joyful learning, imaginative exploration, and transformative experiences.


            GPT-3Stable Diffusion

            My Coach Your AI powered personal trainer1

            an AI powered personal coach where you feed it your information who you are, what are your goals and when you want to achieve it for say the bride needs to look fit by losing weight for her wedding which is in three months. She would use our AI powered bot to feed her weight, age, height, allergies and other info with her goals and the time frame she has the bot would generate a full workout and nutrition plan for the mentioned time frame for her personally, based on the info she fed. This way weather you have a gym membership or at home your workout and meal plan is ready tailored for you with progress tracking, reminders and daily motivational messages


            GPT-3ChatGPTOpenAI gym

            Improve Me AI platform for college students

            This platform aims to create a supportive and attractive environment for students who are interested in honing the practical side of their skills. It is easy for students to join clubs that focus specifically on artificial intelligence and are supported by universities. By registering on the platform, students gain access to a variety of resources and opportunities. One of the primary benefits of this platform is that it provides students with a range of project ideas to work on. These project ideas are carefully designed to align with AI concepts and technologies. Students can select projects based on their interests and skill levels, allowing them to further their understanding and practical experience in the field of artificial intelligence. Each club can contain many branchs based on the club needs, each branch can be for something like web development. So student can follow the tracks that they need. The club admin can ask AI to create tutorials, or roadmaps. Then automaticly everything will be published and students can benifit from it. In addition, the platform helps organize and manage project schedules. Sets deadlines for submission of projects, ensuring that students have a clear time frame in which they can complete their work. This structure enhances discipline and time management skills among students while keeping them motivated to complete their projects.




            Conversational commerce based on chatbot will simplify the shopping experience to customers making it as easy and familiar as a short conversation with a friend which will give more confidence and satisfaction to users, it also will help sellers and businesses owners to grow and increase their profits and increase the user's loyalty due to friendly process ● Provide many and various shopping services through many stores gathered in one platform ● Access E-stores in a similar way of reaching a phone contact through messaging apps ● Providing a unique shopping customer experience (smart chat) ● Provide a simple easy process for small businesses to create and manage their e-stores




            Proteus is a revolutionary satellite mission that utilizes AI and machine learning algorithms to predict natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions, rapid fires, and earthquakes. To provide earlier and more accurate predictions, we can help save lives and minimize damage to infrastructure and property, Our mission will analyze environmental data at a high resolution, including temperature, humidity, air pressure, and soil moisture. Using advanced sensor suite, bus system, and STK analysis will help detect subtle changes in the environment that signal an impending disaster. Found data could also inform policy decisions related to disaster response and preparedness. In conclusion, this satellite mission represents a unique and innovative approach to predicting natural disasters. With the potential to make a real difference in people's lives.


            Cohere Neural SearchReinforcement Learning
            application badge


            Introducing Recordify, the future of task organization! Recordify is an AI-powered website that converts voice recordings into written and organized text, reminding you of daily tasks automatically, improving productivity. "Recordify will revolutionized how you manage your tasks. It's like having a personal assistant reminding you of everything you need to do." Key features of Recordify include voice recording to text conversion, task organization, automatic reminders, and personalized support resources. Recordify's implementation plan involves a phased rollout, starting with a beta testing period before expanding availability to the public within six months. Enroll in Recordify by signing up on the website, access program materials through the platform, and seek support through live chat or email. Embrace Recordify and unlock your full potential. Maximize efficiency, conquer tasks, and achieve your goals effortlessly.


            application badge


            Welcome to our tech news article recommendation website! We believe that you should choose our website because we offer a unique and personalized experience for all of our users. Here are just a few reasons why you should give us a try: 1-Personalization: Our website uses advanced algorithms to recommend tech news articles that are tailored to your interests. We take into account your reading history, search history, and other factors to deliver the most relevant and interesting articles to you. 2-Diverse Content: Our website offers a wide range of news articles from different sources and on different topics. We believe that it's important to provide our users with a diverse range of perspectives and viewpoints, so you can make informed decisions and stay up to date on the latest news and events. 3-Easy to Use: Our website is designed with user experience in mind. It's easy to navigate and find the articles you're interested in, and our recommendation engine does the heavy lifting for you. 4-Timesaving: With so many tech news articles out there, it can be overwhelming to try to keep up with everything. Our website makes it easy to stay informed without having to spend hours scouring the internet for the latest news. 5-Ad-Free: We believe that news should be accessible to everyone, without the interference of ads. That's why our website is completely ad-free, so you can focus on reading and learning without any distractions. Stay informed and engaged with our comprehensive news article recommendations, available to you anytime, anywhere.

            Legend Team



            In the evolving landscape of business, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) act as vital signposts, guiding organizations toward their strategic objectives. By accurately measuring KPIs, businesses gain invaluable insights into their current performance, enabling them to make informed decisions and chart a course toward sustainable growth. However, the journey to effective KPI management is not without its challenges. Defining the right KPIs is a complex endeavour. Amidst a sea of potential metrics, pinpointing those that align perfectly with an organization's goals demands a blend of foresight, expertise, and a nuanced understanding of the business environment. Once established, ensuring the consistent and accurate measurement of these KPIs poses another challenge. Data integrity, timely collection, and meaningful analysis are critical yet intricate components of this process. In essence, while the importance of KPIs is universally recognized, their effective creation and meticulous measurement require a balance of strategic vision, precision, and adaptability.




            TrackPak systems It is time to say goodbye to well-known baggage labels – AI algorithms will handle the task way more successfully. Plus, it is environmentally friendly. What exactly do we mean by that? While the number of travelers grows yearly, specialists from the travel and tourism industry are looking for a way to optimize baggage processing. And here it is. Computer vision technology can trace the tiniest bag characteristics and send a complete bag “profile” to the database. Machine learning then distinguishes the right baggage according to its unique portrait. example TrackPak website Travelers take a photo of their luggage and upload it to the system. This is the only step needed to track the bag wherever it may appear. At first, such a system does not seem reliable, but mind that every bag is unique, considering size parameters, spots, scratches, dints, and so on. As the creators say, “Pictures do not lie.”


            Reinforcement Learning


            Our project addresses a critical challenge: making English content accessible to Arabic speakers, focusing on Saudi Arabia. Language barriers hinder access to knowledge and experiences conveyed through video content. Our AI-powered solution aims to bridge this gap. We translate English videos into Arabic, preserving voice tone for emotional authenticity. Language is more than words; it carries cultural context and emotions. We push boundaries by incorporating deepfake technology. Lip movements sync naturally, akin to Arabic creation. Saudi Arabia's context emphasizes our project's importance. Vision 2030's innovation focus aligns with our goals. As internet adoption surges, accessibility to diverse content is crucial. Our impact extends beyond translation; it's about empowerment and engagement. Accessible content democratizes knowledge. Cross-cultural understanding and appreciation flourish, uniting a global society. Our project at the tech-culture-accessibility nexus is innovative. It holds the promise of inclusivity. Seamless translation bridges languages, opening doors to new experiences, knowledge, and connections for a brighter, interconnected future.

            AI Titans



            Our project is centered around a straightforward chatbot designed to offer tailored suggestions to users based on their input. For instance, if a user asks for meal ideas with low calories and minimal carbs (less than 10 grams), our chatbot swiftly generates relevant recommendations from the database. Or maybe if a user asks for a seafood meal. These suggestions align precisely with the user's specified criteria. By analyzing the user's message, the chatbot identifies keywords like "calories" and "carbs," extracting the constraints provided by the user. It then filters the database to retrieve suitable meal options that match these constraints. This approach ensures that the chatbot's responses are closely aligned with the user's preferences, providing a personalized experience. To enhance user engagement and convenience, the chatbot doesn't stop at just providing options. It takes the experience a step further by offering direct order links. This means that users can swiftly access the ordering process for their chosen meals. This interactive approach not only streamlines the decision-making process but also creates a seamless and efficient user experience. In essence, our project focuses on creating a straightforward and effective chatbot. It understands user requests, tailors responses accordingly, showcases appropriate choices, and then empowers users to take immediate action through order links. This approach enhances user satisfaction by delivering both relevant suggestions and practical means to act on those suggestions quickly.


            Cohere GenerateLangChain
            application badge


            CogniSmile is a groundbreaking project designed to bridge the emotional communication gap for individuals with Down syndrome. Our AI-powered system leverages advanced facial emotion detection technology to empower this unique community with the ability to understand and respond to emotions through facial expressions. By addressing this challenge, we're enabling deeper connections and meaningful interactions, not only within their personal lives but also within educational and healthcare settings. CogniSmile not only offers a technological solution but also represents a path to inclusivity, empathy, and social integration. Join us in fostering a more compassionate world where everyone's emotions are understood and cherished.

            Meta Minds



            Introducing our revolutionary iPhone app designed to combat SMS message fraud with the power of machine learning. With cutting-edge technology, our app analyzes incoming text messages in real-time, quickly detecting any signs of fraudulent activity. Leveraging a vast dataset and advanced algorithms, it identifies patterns, anomalies, and phishing attempts, ensuring your personal information stays safe. By continuously learning and adapting, our app stays one step ahead of fraudsters, providing you with peace of mind and a secure digital environment. With its intuitive interface and seamless integration, our app is your ultimate defense against SMS RedFlag is an application that aims to use modern Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies to detect fraud in texts. The mobile application uses algorithms to analyze texts and classify them into one of two classes, spam or non-spam. Utilizing artificial intelligence technologies like NLP, NLPTK and machine learning, and for better user experience, the model is employed into swift application used for iOS systems.message fraud, protecting you and your loved ones.

            The AI coders


            AI TRANSLATOR

            NLP: The endeavor of creating programs with some level of 'understanding' of a natural language in order to accomplish a certain purpose falls under the purview of the sub-field of artificial intelligence. By using the former concept, we can create using a high programming language to design a full software with AI recognition of world wide language. The software can be designed to recognize any word in a picture or photo taken by the camera, then show the result as the name of the language and translation of the desired language. Why Machine Translation? Cheap, universal access to the world's online information regardless of the original language. Translating AI systems, such as machine translation, offer numerous benefits for language-related tasks. Here are several advantages of using translation AI: Enhanced Communication: Translation AI enables people who speak different languages to communicate effectively. It breaks down language barriers, facilitating cross-cultural interactions in various domains, including business, education, tourism, and diplomacy. Time and Cost Efficiency: Traditional human translation can be time-consuming and expensive, especially for large volumes of text. AI translation systems can significantly reduce both time and cost, allowing for faster and more affordable translation services. Consistency and Accuracy: AI translation models strive to maintain consistency and accuracy in their translations. They can analyze vast amounts of language data, ensuring that translations align with established linguistic rules and conventions. This helps maintain the integrity of the original content and reduces the risk of miscommunication.

            The Algorithm Army



            Our innovative application revolutionizes the way you approach hair care by offering a comprehensive and personalized experience tailored specifically to your unique needs. Powered by cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology, our app utilizes sophisticated algorithms to analyze user responses and provide highly accurate and personalized hair care recommendations. Designed with convenience and simplicity in mind, our app guides you through a series of intuitive questions and prompts, allowing you to provide essential information about your hair type, concerns, styling preferences, and lifestyle factors. By tapping into this wealth of data, our advanced AI model generates customized recommendations that address your specific hair care needs, helping you achieve optimal results. Whether you're grappling with dryness, frizz, hair loss, or any other hair-related concern, our app offers expert guidance and tailored solutions. It takes into account various factors such as weather conditions, environmental influences, and even your geographical location to provide recommendations that are perfectly aligned with your circumstances.

            Creative think



            VisionAI is a program that enhances web accessibility for the visually impaired. It uses artificial intelligence and voice technologies to transform web content into audio output and allow voice interaction with web pages. It analyzes images and text on web pages and converts them into audio output using a synthetic voice. It also allows the user to interact with web pages using voice input, which is processed by a natural language model and converted into text output. VisionAI can handle various web tasks, such as searching, browsing, reading, filling forms, and more. VisionAI leverages the power of GPT-4, a large multimodal model that can accept image and text inputs, and emit text outputs. GPT-4 is used for image analysis and natural language generation. VisionAI also uses OpenAI whisper, a voice input technology that can recognize speech and transcribe it into text. For voice output, VisionAI uses espeak, a speech synthesizer that can produce natural sounding speech in various languages and accents. VisionAI integrates these technologies to create a seamless and user-friendly web accessibility program. VisionAI aims to make web browsing more accessible and enjoyable for the visually impaired by providing them with a rich and interactive web experience. VisionAI is not only a program, but also a vision for the future of disability. We believe that VisionAI can help the visually impaired overcome the barriers and challenges of accessing the web, and enable them to participate fully and equally in the digital world.

            Stellar Pointers



            DoctorGPT هو تطبيقنا الأول. تطبيق مماثل لـ ChatGPT باللغة العربية ومخصص لتقييم وتشخيص حالة المريض. يقوم الذكاء الاصطناعي بوضع الأسئلة المناسبة لحالة الشخص الذي يكلمه حتى يفهم حالة الشخص ويقوم بإعطائه النصائح أو تصوير الحالة ويقوم المريض بإرسالها لتفسير المرض عن طريق الذكاء الاصطناعي. رسالتنا مواكبة رؤية 2030 وتحول القطاع الصحي لضمان استمرار تطوير خدمات الرعاية الصحية في المملكة وتركيز الجهود في هذا القطاع الهام. مشكلتنا مع تطور القطاع الصحي أصبحت التقنية هي أساس كل منظمة صحية ولكن مع تأخر المستشفيات في التحول الصحي اصبحوا الناس يجهلون في كيفية استعمال التطبيقات الصحية وكيفية استغلالها لعلاجهم بأفضل طريقة ممكنة عن طريق المنزل. قصتنا محمد مصاب بالقولون اصبح محمد يومياً يبحث عن الاعراض التي تصيبه في اليوم الواحد عن طريق قوقل لكن محمد هنا لايوجد لديه أي وعي في كيفية استخدام الانترنت فيقوم بتصديق أي كلام يبحث عنه لدرجة أنه يوهم بنفسه بأنه مصاب بالسرطان. فكرتنا تطبيق مماثل للـ ChatGPT باللغة العربية ومخصص لتقييم وتشخيص حالة المريض وهُنا الـ AI يقوم بوضع الاسئلة المناسبة لحالة الشخص الذي يكلمه إلى أن يفهم حالة الشخص ويقوم بإعطائه النصائح أو تصوير الحالة ويقوم المريض بإرسالها لتفسير المرض عن طريق الـ AI. اهدافنا - تحويل النص الى صور توضيحية والعكس. - يكتشف ما اذا كانت الأعراض غريبة ويقوم بإعطاء الشخص أي انذار للذهاب الى المستشفى. - يقوم بقراءة أي تحاليل من المختبر بلغة مفهومة لإفادة المريض. - يقوم بمناقشة المرضى عن أي دواء أو تشخيص لإفادتهم. - تذكير المرضى بأخذ الدواء بنظام الـ Alert. طموحنا يكون تطبيقنا مربوط مع تطبيق صحتي لخدمة جميع المرضى بجميع الفئات العمرية.


            application badge

            World needs Talents

            Scouting New Talents in Football Based on Stats Football is a global sport with a huge fan base. Every year, millions of young athletes dream of playing professional football. However, only a small percentage of these athletes will ever make it to the pros One of the biggest challenges for young athletes is getting noticed by scouts. Scouts are constantly looking for new talent, but they can only watch so many games. This means that many talented athletes are overlooked. Our project uses data science to identify and scout new talents in football. We collect data on a player's stats, such as passing accuracy, rushing yards, and tackles. We then use this data to create a player profile that identifies their strengths and weaknesses We also use this data to predict a player's potential value to a team. Our project has the potential to revolutionize the way that football is scouted. By using data science, we can identify new talents that would have otherwise been overlooked. This could lead to more competitive and exciting football leagues, and give more athletes the opportunity to reach their full potential. Business model: To sell our data to clubs that want to know the strength and weaknesses for each player in Thier team And the clubs in higher league that want to find talents that performs like a professional one without costing them much money And the clubs in a lower leagues that wants to market their players and their talents to the other clubs and league Finally the individual players that has no team that want to market his talent to the world and make it seen Our customers Clubs , coaches, academy , players


            CodexCohereWhisperStable DiffusionGPT-3GPT-4
            application badge


            Introducing Soma, your ultimate solution for effortless audio-to-text conversion. Bid farewell to the hassle of transcribing long recordings – Soma streamlines the process. Beyond mere transcription, Soma offers unparalleled versatility. Seamlessly translate content into diverse languages, enhancing global communication. But that's not all – Soma's ingenious summarization feature distills lengthy audio into concise insights, saving you time and effort. Have questions about the content? Engage with our AI chat for instant clarifications. The potential is immense, with a target audience of 1.35 billion English speakers and 480 million Arabic speakers. Embracing a subscription-based model, Soma provides a range of plans, from free to premium, ensuring access for all. Our adept team of experts guarantees innovation and excellence. Embark on a transformative journey with Soma, revolutionizing audio conversion and translation. Your investment secures a stake in a promising venture poised to reshape communication dynamics. Join us and be part of Soma's remarkable trajectory toward success.



            CoughCare Plus

            Our revolutionary mobile app employs advanced technology for cough analysis, supported by crucial symptom-based questions. Users gain skin disease insights via smartphone cameras. The app's effectiveness relies on a strong CNN model for precise cough detection and Resnet for accurate skin disease recognition. Sporting a user-friendly interface, it serves all ages, nurturing proactive health care. It revolutionizes health interaction by fusing AI-powered analysis, symptom evaluation, and skin health details, empowering users with early intervention potential. This innovative solution enhances disease detection and health management, granting consumers the ability to take charge of their well-being proactively



            Leaf Link

            The concept "Leaf Link" is a smartphone application aimed for average individuals who want to manage their plant growth as well as farmers with small farms. This concept was chosen because of the belief in the importance of plant growth, a modest action with a large impact on the environment. The purpose is to minimize large costs associated with moving commodities from farms to villages and vice versa, as well as the extensive use of chemicals to preserve goods in excellent condition to trick consumers into purchasing items! People no longer need to buy processed, semi-healthy fruits and vegetables, nor do farmers need to pay additional fees to employ specialists to detect farm issues and what needs to be done to prevent them from occurring. The application will solve the majority of concerns; the user will be able to add as many plants as they require and have them shown in the main interface along with their photographs to make the selection process easier. The user will also have a planner page to plan what tasks for each of the plants with the desired day and time and an automatic reminder for that, adding the tasks is done by selection, user does not need to add it by hand, just must select plant and tasks, date, and time. Furthermore, there is a statistics page for each individual plant that gives plant information and plant care, which includes watering information period, natural light which takes external information about area's weather and overall environment, as well as toxicity rate if any. Finally, there is a page for recognizing unknown plants. This is done by capturing an image of the plant, which requires access to a camera, and the program will display the plant name and scientific name to the user, as well as information about the plant if the user is interested.

            Leaf Link

            application badge

            My Way

            In a world defined by rapid change and ceaseless demands, countless individuals grapple with a universal challenge: crafting clear goals and actionable plans to actualize their dreams. This often leads to a sense of aimlessness and waning motivation in their personal growth pursuits. Enter "My Way" – an AI-Powered Goal Roadmapper poised to revolutionize personal development. This innovative platform is built on the premise that advanced AI can empower individuals to transcend limitations and personalize their journey toward success. At its core, "My Way" addresses two pivotal aspects: goal-setting and navigation of obstacles. By harnessing AI's analytical capabilities, the platform delves into users' unique attributes, strengths, and weaknesses to craft bespoke goal roadmaps. These adaptive guides not only offer direction but evolve as users make progress and face challenges. However, "My Way" goes beyond automated strategies. It empowers users to actively engage in their growth journey, providing not just answers, but tools to overcome modern distractions, stay motivated, and regain a sense of ownership over their success. Central to this concept is the belief in individuals' boundless potential. "My Way" aims to catalyze greatness, serving as a guide, a strategist, and an advocate. It lights the way forward, equips users to surmount obstacles strategically, and echoes the sentiment of claiming one's path – in the spirit of Frank Sinatra's "My Way." In summary, "My Way" heralds a new era in personal development. By harnessing AI's capabilities, we strive to empower individuals to discover their unique paths, overcome challenges with finesse, and boldly declare that their journey was truly "My Way."

            Moroccan Ai crafter


            Beauty face with intelligent

            The project aims to provide quick and reliable solutions for customers by saving time searching for the right products for their skin type and color. The service provider (beauty and grooming stores) attracts customers by capturing their image using an artificial intelligence application. The skin is analyzed, and the results are displayed with suitable products for the customer. This helps customers save time searching for the right foundation or concealer for their skin, enhancing their skin's radiance, which becomes a marketing attraction factor. Among the unique advantages we will offer in the future are not limited to just the skin but also include selecting suitable colored contact lenses for customers from global companies, choosing the right hair color, suitable eyeshadow colors, and other products.


            AWS SageMaker
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            AIWAYS SAUDI

            Our project aims to transform the travel and tourism experience through cutting-edge AI-driven solutions. By offering personalised recommendations, chatbot, and sentiment analysis, with interactive maps for different places, to provide visitors with enriched journeys. Whether it's tourists seeking tailored tips or event attendees needing immediate support, our platform provides a diverse audience, including hotels, airports, tourism authorities. etc. Through this innovative approach, we contribute to Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 by contributing to the tourism sector and fostering the kingdom’s development. Project addresses the challenge of enhancing customer experiences, streamlining processes, and offering valuable insights, ultimately redefining the way people explore and engage with travel destinations.

            AlWAYS SAUDI


            Seba transforming Fashion Industry

            we are using stable diffusion as the key player for our sales point, we believe the customer is always right so we gave him the opportunity of making the design, since our products are mainly targeted towards the female segment they are keen in picking the right product for their out fit, during our soft launch we noticed that there are many requests to have a slight modification, whether it's the color or the size of the objects in the design stable diffusion can easily manipulate the design and we can then have it printed on a larger scale, but in order to mass produce a product their have to be an agreement, so we provide a platform where the top designs compete and the most upvoted design wins we use the votes as a marketing mechanism since we know that the customers are welling to invite more people to vote for their design


            GANStable DiffusionDALL-E-2

            Diagnose - AI powered diagnostics platform

            Lowering Medical Expenses: Diagnose helps to reduce healthcare costs by speeding up diagnoses and improving health outcomes. Early detection of disease through our AI models enables more targeted and cost-effective interventions, potentially preventing costly complications or long-term treatment. Sharing Effort: Diagnose enables healthcare professionals to leverage our AI models to create a seamless integration of technology and human knowledge. By bringing radiologists, clinicians and other providers together to provide the highest quality of care, our technology serves as a reliable partner. By working together, we open up new possibilities in diagnostics and ensure the best possible results for patients. Quicker Detection: Diagnose AI models facilitate a significantly faster diagnostic process. Our models quickly analyze medical images, resulting in instantaneous results that allow healthcare professionals to make informed decisions quickly. Peerless Accuracy: Through rigorous training on extensive and varied datasets of high quality, our models have acquired the ability to identify even the most nuanced patterns and anomalies.

