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أحمد أبوحيمد



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الأحداث التي تم حضورها


التسليمات السابقة

محلل تقنيات ناشئة | مهندس برمجيات

Saudi Arabia

3أعوام الخبرة


My name is Ahmad M. Abu Haimed I graduated from Prince Sultan University in 2020 with BSc in Computer Software Engineering. During my study, I have participated in different laboratories and research projects. Such as Robotics and Drones Laboratory, 4.0 Industrial Revolution Laboratory, AI and Big Data Laboratory, and Product Development center. These participations rich my knowledge with essential skills to be a great scientist and engineer in the soon future inshallah. I believe being. proactive is one of the most important skills for successful people and that is what motivated me. The projects that I have participated in during my bachelor’s degree are many, but I will mention some. of them. Building drone using additive manufacturing, publishing 1 research paper that specializes in AI titled “Viral Reverse Engineering COVID-19 Infection Using Artificial Intelligence and Big Data”, participating with three abstract-based research posters, building a robotic mars rover, building two economic cars electrical and internal combustion. Most of these projects are for participating in national and international competitions such as Shell Eco-marathon 2019 and 2020, NASA Global Challenge 2021 and International Agricultural Hackathon 2019, Act In Space International Competition 2022, and more. My coop journey was very interesting I did my cooperative training at The National Center for Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, KACST. And it was 10 months of enriched experience. My main focus was. on developing programs, data analytics reports, and AI algorithm testing. Moreover, I was honored to. start collaborating between PSU and the Joint Center of Excellence of Aerospace for KACST and Stanford to sponsor building the first UAV at PSU. However, the project was held because of the pandemic and it was resumed after the lockdown by my brothers at PSU. During the lockdown, I have made sure to keep moving in developing myself and following my goals. I participated in the Warsaw Inventions Show 2021 in Warsaw, Poland. And I have won the silver medal. for my invention Adaptable Micro Ionic Thruster for Limited Force Application. In 2022 I have also participated in the Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies “Archimedes” in Moscow, Russia 2022. And won the gold medal for my invention Gravitational Joints Systems Please here some of my humble projects and achievements:

ملفات التواصل الاجتماعي

🤓 التقديمات

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    Ameen.AI is an AI used to detect dangerous / spam messages that ask users for personal/banking data. Via a predictive model that can recognize and classify whether the message contains dangerous/non-trusted URLs or not and give a recommendation to the user to act. Lately, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has witnessed more than 42.5 million dangerous / spam messages that ask users for personal / banking data. And this is an indication of how serious the problem is and it is the effect on the KSA’s infrastructure, assets, and citizens. Ameen.AI model is built to recognize messages content automatically, classify and recommend actions to be done to the users. With this basic and smart methodology, we are aiming to reduce the number of dangerous messages/spam. Ameen.AI, satisfies the sustainable development goals by making sure that we raise the awareness for people especially non-technical, young and old. As well as, Vision 2030 goals via increasing security, therefore, the quality of life will be satisfied as well.

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    Hackathon link

    Bio-Viruses Prediction using AI and Genome Data

    This comprehensive study leveraged the capabilities of artificial intelligence by training a powerful Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural network model. The researchers ensured the model was provided with a vast genomic dataset spanning over 100 years of viral genetic information collected since 1919. This large collection of past viral genome sequences, accumulated over a century of viral evolution and circulation, was utilized to train the LSTM model. By analyzing the genetic patterns and sequences encoded within this extensive database, the model was able to predict trends in COVID-19 virus spread and also forecast potential mutations that could lead to new viral strains in the future. In addition to learning the inherent patterns of viral genetic development over time, the LSTM network was notably able to uncover exogenous manipulation factors that could accelerate or influence the emergence of novel viruses. This demonstrated the significant potential that advanced AI applications like LSTM models have for the in-depth reverse engineering of viruses and predictive viral analytics. With its abilities to digitally anticipate dangerous future mutant strains before they occur, such viral foresight powered by artificial intelligence could play a pivotal role in safeguarding global societies from future threats. On a larger scale, the incorporation of analogous high-powered predictive technologies within urban centers could help transform modern cities into more cognitive environments with enhanced health monitoring systems and initiatives to continuously improve citizens' quality of life. My research paper link:

👌 الهاكاثونات التي تم حضورها

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    هاكاثون مسرعة الذكاء الاصطناعي

    📌 انضم إلينا في 18-21 مايو من الساعة 4:00 مساءً في حديقة الابتكار | KACST. 🛠 4 أيام من التعلم والبناء 🤝 انضم بفريقك أو انضم إلى فريق خلال الهاكاثون 🦾 الوصول المجاني إلى نماذج الذكاء الاصطناعي والبرامج التعليمية التقنية 🏅 احصل على فرصة للتأهل لبرنامج مسرعة الشركات الناشئة غاية GAIA 🚀 انضم إلى مجتمع خبراء الذكاء الاصطناعي 😅 العدد محدود للغاية

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    GAIA Hackathon Act 4

    🗓️ إنضم إلينا افتراضياً, بدءًا من الساعة السادسة مساءً في 14 مارس وحتى السادسة مساءً في 16 مارس لبدء رحلة التعلم والتطور. 🤝 يمكنك التواصل مع فريقك الخاص أو الانضمام إلى فريق جديد خلال الهاكاثون. 📚 تمتع بالوصول إلى نماذج الذكاء الاصطناعي والدروس التعليمية التقنية. 🏆 لا تفوّت الفرصة الذهبية للتأهل لبرنامج "GAIA" لتسريع الشركات الناشئة. ⏩ انضم إلى مجتمع خبراء الذكاء الاصطناعي. ⏳ الأماكن محدودة جدا، سجل الآن!

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    AI Creation 2.0 Hackathon

    🗓️ شارك معنا افتراضيًا، ابتداءً من الساعة السادسة مساءً في 4 ابريل وحتى الساعة السادسة مساءً في 6 ابريل واكتشف الإمكانيات الجديدة. 🚀 قم بتطوير مهاراتك وفهمك للتقنيات الحديثة في مجال الذكاء الاصطناعي عبر يومين من العمل المكثف. 🏆 أمامك الفرصة لتكون جزءًا من برنامج "GAIA" لتسريع نمو الشركات الناشئة. ⏩ تفاعل مع مجموعة من أفضل خبراء الذكاء الاصطناعي في المجتمع. ⏳ لدينا مقاعد محدودة جدًا ، فلا تتأخر في التسجيل!

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