Event ended

AI Creation 2.0 Hackathon Summary

AI Creation 2.0 Hackathon image

Hackathon Overview

Our AI hackathon brought together a diverse group of participants, who collaborated to develop a variety of impressive projects based on:






AI Applications

Winners and Finalists

  • We are in the process of selecting the finalist teams.
  • Your voice matters! Vote on your favorite projects in the section below.
  • Join us for the winner announcement stream, which will be streamed live on Twitch.

This event has now ended, but you can still register for upcoming events on lablab.ai. We look forward to seeing you at the next one!

Checkout Upcoming Events →

Submitted Concepts, Prototypes and Pitches

Submissions from the teams participating in the AI Creation 2.0 Hackathon event and making it to the end 👊

Help to spread the word and share these amazing projects!

Smart Contract

Organizations and individuals deal daily with the process of authenticating contracts and documents, increasingly needing to ensure the integrity of these documents and protect them from unauthorized forgery or alteration. Hence, the Artificial Intelligence Contract Authentication project emerges as an innovative solution to this problem, providing an efficient and reliable mechanism for verifying the validity of documents and contracts. Artificial Intelligence Contract Authentication Project offers an innovative and effective solution to the problem of document verification. The solution is implemented as follows:


GANReinforcement Learning
application badge


Historia aims to revolutionize our relationship with the past. We believe knowledge of history is crucial to understanding ourselves and the world around us, but traditional methods of teaching history often make it feel distant, irrelevant, and overwhelming. Our solution is to transform history from a list of facts into an immersive storytelling experience centered around the individuals who shaped the world. Here's how: Focus on the Human Element: Historia doesn't just present dates and battles. It digs into the lives of historical figures—their motivations, triumphs, failures, and how they navigated their time. This makes history relatable and inspiring. AI-Powered & Personalized: Historia leverages a powerful AI engine and a vast vector database of historical information. This allows it to tailor the information and storytelling style to the user. Questions are answered in a way that's age-appropriate and matches the user's interests. Interactive, Not Passive: Historia encourages exploration. Users don't just read summaries; they can ask questions, dive deeper into specific topics, and follow interconnected threads of history. Community & Sharing: Learning is social. Historia fosters a community where users can engage with each other, sharing their discoveries, questions, and enthusiasm for the past. Our Vision We imagine a world where history is as captivating as a great novel, where anyone can feel connected to the extraordinary people who came before them. Historia aims to be the ultimate tool for: Students: Making studying engaging and effective. Educators: Inspiring students with a dynamic resource that adapts to their needs. History lovers: Unlocking deeper perspectives and new avenues for exploration. Everyone Else: Opening a doorway to a richer understanding of humanity through its stories.

