Side Quests

4d econometrics Side Quests are optional bonus hackathon challenges that you can choose to take on. In this way, you can explore additional technologies, tools, or platforms to include in your project, as well as compete for extra prizes.

Are you looking for a fun and challenging way to expand your skills and creativity? Join the Side Quest challenge!

How to join a Side Quest?

  • Ensure that the Side Quest is enabled in the description of the hackathon you are participating in.
  • Make sure you meet the Side Quest requirements when working on your project.
  • Tag the relevant technology included in the Side Quest when submitting your project.

Active Side Quests




Redis is a real-time data platform that functions as a blazing fast vector database, ML feature store, and data serving layer across a variety of workloads.

The Quest:

The quest is to create an innovative solution using Redis.


The Redis Side Quest Challenge is open to participants throughout February-April, and the top 3 teams will be selected afterwards.


  • 🥇 1st place: $5k cash, $5k Redis cloud coupon
  • 🥈 2nd place: $1k cash
  • 🥉 3rd place: $500 cash
  • Redis swag for all winning teams.
  • certificate and social media promotion of your project.

Additional information:

  • Use the Redis tag in your project submission to be eligible for the prize.
  • Check out Redis technology page for more information, Redis access, biolerplates and tutorials
  • Join Redis channel on lablab Discord server and use tag @mentor to get access to Redis Cloud