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Linah Alharthi



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الأحداث التي تم حضورها


التسليمات السابقة


Saudi Arabia

1عام الخبرة

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    AZER a cutting-edge system designed to help companies and entities reduce congestion and manage crowds. With its powerful features and intuitive interface, AZER provides a comprehensive solution to the complex challenges of crowd management. Whether you are running a busy transportation hub, hosting a major event, or managing a crowded public space, AZER can help you streamline operations, improve efficiency, and reduce congestion. Through its advanced analytics and real-time monitoring capabilities, AZER enables you to identify and address bottlenecks, optimize flow, and ensure a safe and smooth experience for all. With AZER, you can set up custom alerts and notifications, track foot traffic in real-time, and make data-driven decisions to improve crowd management. You can also use AZER to communicate with staff and visitors, provide real-time updates and information, and manage resources more effectively. Overall, AZER is a powerful system that provides comprehensive solutions for managing crowds and reducing congestion. Whether you are looking to improve the efficiency of your operations, ensure the safety of your visitors, or simply provide a better experience for all, Azar is the perfect platform to help you achieve your goals.

👌 الهاكاثونات التي تم حضورها

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    هاكاثون الذكاء الاصطناعي لـLangchain عبر الإنترنت

    انغمس في عالم الذكاء الاصطناعي المثير و التكنولوجيا المتطورة التي أحدثت ثورة في عالم التقنية! انضم إلى زملائك المبتكرين والرواد وعشاق التكنولوجيا في مغامرة مثيرة مدتها 48 ساعة لاستكشاف تطبيقات الذكاء الاصطناعي المبتكرة وإنشائها وإحداث ثورة في مجال الذكاء الاصطناعي.

📝 الشهادات

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    هاكاثون الذكاء الاصطناعي لـLangchain عبر الإنترنت | Certificate