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Rawand Kawa



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    Doctor Helping Services -DHS

    Introducing our AI DHS (Doctor Helping Services), a sophisticated chatbot designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of medical practitioners in accessing patient data. This cutting-edge technology enables users, specifically doctors and physicians, to seamlessly upload patient information into the AI system, which subsequently analyzes and organizes the data. When a user poses a query to the chatbot, it retrieves relevant information from the uploaded patient records and provides a prompt response. Consider the demanding schedule of a typical doctor, who sees approximately seven patients per day, resulting in 49 patients in a week and around 210 patients in a month. Each patient's file contains a wealth of essential information, such as age and medical condition. The sheer volume of data can make it exceedingly challenging for the doctor to recall specific details without extensive manual searching through records or reports. This is where our AI solution steps in. Our AI, built upon the foundation of GPT-3, offers an invaluable solution. Medical professionals can simply input a patient's name and pose queries to the chatbot, such as "What is the severity of John Smith's illness?" or "When was John Smith's last check-up, and what were the corresponding laboratory results?" This streamlined approach to accessing patient information not only saves time but also enhances the overall quality of patient care. While our AI is built on a version of GPT with token limitations, it remains dedicated to its intended purpose: assisting healthcare providers in efficiently managing patient data and facilitating informed medical decisions.

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    هاكاثون مسرعة الذكاء الصناعي التوليدي الجزء الثاني

    🗓️ إنضم إلينا افتراضياً بدءًا من الساعة السادسة مساءً في 31 أغسطس وحتى السادسة مساءً في 2 سبتمبر لبدء رحلة التعلم والتطور. 🚀 استمتع بيومين متكاملين من التعلم العملي. 🤝 يمكنك التواصل مع فريقك الخاص أو الانضمام إلى فريق جديد خلال الهاكاثون. 📚 تمتع بالوصول المجاني الغير محدود إلى نماذج الذكاء الاصطناعي والدروس التعليمية التقنية. 🏆 لا تفوّت الفرصة الذهبية للتأهل لبرنامج "GAIA" لتسريع الشركات الناشئة. ⏩ انضم إلى مجتمع خبراء الذكاء الاصطناعي. ⏳ الأماكن محدودة جدا، كن من الحاضرين السريعين!

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    هاكاثون مسرعة الذكاء الصناعي التوليدي الجزء الثاني | Certificate