Team Hand Talk With AI

فكرة الفريق

easy hand communication
Eman Alzahrani

Founder, Business Developer

عبدالعزيز الزهراني

Tarq alzhrani


Hand speak with AI

Hand speak with AI

Artificial intelligence assists employees who are unable to speak or hear in effectively participating in work discussions by using a front-facing camera to translate their movements in online meetings into text or voice for others, integrating them into the community. It also aids individuals in the community through the use of a mobile phone, to translate movements into speech or writing on facilitating communication. It can be used in other ways, and here are some examples: 1. Education: The technology can be used to assist students with hearing or speech difficulties in communicating and participating in classrooms by translating their movements into text or voice. 2. Hospitals and healthcare facilities: The technology can be used to enhance communication with patients or individuals with hearing impairments in a hospital or healthcare setting by translating movements into speech or writing to understand their needs and provide appropriate healthcare. 3. Entertainment and culture: The technology can be used to facilitate the experience of individuals with hearing difficulties in accessing entertainment and cultural services, such as translating theater performances or music concerts into sign language or texts to enable their full participation. 4. Travel and tourism: The technology can be used to facilitate communication for individuals with hearing difficulties with professionals in the travel and tourism industry, such as translating sign language into speech or writing for an easy and comfortable experience when booking hotels or communicating with tour guides. With the advancement of technology, it can be applied in more fields to enhance communication and empower individuals with hearing difficulties in various aspects of daily life