Team AVCB Team

فكرة الفريق

The AVCB Team is a group of experienced and dedicated engineers, designers, and researchers who are passionate about creating the next generation of voice conversation bots. We have a deep understanding of the latest advances in natural language processing, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, and we are committed to using these technologies to create bots that are both engaging and useful.
Fatima Alhamed

Quality assurance trainee

مجتبى المدن

مهندس ذكاء صناعي

Abdelrahman Ataa

Devops engineer


AVCB Chatbot

AVCB Chatbot

OAN is a Discord bot that uses the Bard large language model to provide a variety of features, including: Real-time translation: OAN can translate messages into any language, making it easy to communicate with people from all over the world. Voice note recognition: OAN can understand voice notes, so you can send commands or ask questions without having to type. Text-to-speech: OAN can convert the response from Bard into a voice note, so you can listen to it instead of reading it. These features make OAN a powerful tool for communication and collaboration on Discord. Whether you're working on a project with people from different countries or just want to chat with friends in other languages, OAN can help you connect with people from all over the world. Here are some additional benefits of using OAN: It's easy to use. You can just type in a command or ask a question, and OAN will do its best to understand you. It's accurate. OAN uses the latest language models to provide accurate translations and responses. It's versatile. You can use OAN for a variety of tasks, including translation, research, and creative writing. If you're looking for a powerful and versatile Discord bot, OAN is a great option. It's easy to use, accurate, and versatile, making it a great way to connect with people from all over the world. Here are some examples of how OAN can be used: Translate messages: You can use OAN to translate messages into any language. This is a great way to communicate with people from other countries or to learn a new language. Answer questions: You can ask OAN questions about anything. It can provide you with information on a variety of topics, including history, science, and pop culture. Generate creative content: You can use OAN to generate creative content, such as poems, stories, and code. This is a great way to get your creative juices flowing.